2. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions (full solutions are in the manual)

  • How do you configure the RAD-IO2?
    • You configure the RAD-IO2 from a PC via the USB port using the JavaScript application or by writing your own code. The JavaScript application runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. You will need it to change the CAN-ID, sample rates, voltage ranges (if applicable to the module), and any other applicable parameters beyond the defaults.
    • The JavaScript program is available from the ICS website at https://intrepidcs.com/support/support-resources/ and scroll to the bottom under “Free Software”.
  • Does RAD-IO2 work directly with VSPY via the PC USB port?
    • No, VSPY does not support the RAD-IO2 products from the USB port. If you want to use the RAD-IO2 to obtain data directly to a PC you can use the external JavaScript program or write your own software. VSPY can accept CAN data from the RAD-IO2-CAN-HUB via ICS CAN product. Some products like the VCAN-IND and Fire2 support the RAD-IO2 via the NEOVI channel and treat the data just like CAN data frames.
  • How do you update the firmware of the RAD-IO2 modules?
    • Via a PC and the USB port. You will need to go to them ICS Website or Git Hub and download the .EXE program that flashes the RAD-IO2 modules.
    • You attach the RAD-IO2 USB to the PC and run the program.
  • How many devices can the CAN-HUB support?
    • It is dependent upon current draw and each device has a different current draw.
    • The CAN-HUB can support 1.25 Amps, or 4 RAD-IO2 devices.
  • What is the baud rate of the CAN-HUB and do I need termination with the CAN-HUB?
    • The default mode for the CAN-HUB is 500 Kbits with programable termination turned ON. Like all CAN networks you will need termination at each end of the CAN network.
  • How do you flash the CAN-HUB to update the firmware?
    • You will need an Intrepid CAN device and VSPY, then use the core-mini function. Detailed instructions are in the manual.
  • How fast is the RAD-IO2?
    • Individual channels are maximum of 100 samples per second.
    • Max aggregate across several chains is 1000 samples per second.
  • If a thermocouple is not connected or open on the RAD-IO2-TC channel, it a value of -1000 will be returned.
    • If you short out the J-Type thermocouple input with a wire or paper clip, you will get a precise reading of the CJC channel for that bank, which should be approximately ambient temperature.
  • How many devices can the FIRE2 and ION support?
    • The Fire2 and ION can support 500 mA, which would be 2 modules with the exception of 2 AIN, or 2 DIO as they draw too much current.
    • The RED2 and VCAN Industrial can support 1.5 amps, so that is 3-4 modules, depends upon the module mix.
  • If you are using the RAD-IO2 with the CAN-HUB, the default mode for it will be CAN termination ON. You will need to turn on the termination for the CAN device ON.
    • DO not turn off the CAN termination for the CAN-HUB unless you are in a network that is already terminated at both ends.
  • Starting February 2021, the RAD-IO2 modules come from the factory with the CAN-ID’s statically set to 29 bit identifiers, the previous Automode was eliminated. If you chain together 2 modules of the same type without changing the CAN-ID’s, you will have CAN conflicts unless you change the settings.
    • The Default settings are as follows:
    • CAN-HUB: xx100h,
    • RAD-IO2-TC: xx110h,
    • RAD-IO2-AIN: xx120h
    • RAD-IO2-AOUT: xx130h
    • RAD-IO2-RELAY: xx140h
    • RAD-IO2-DIO: xx150h