5. RAD-wBMS Setup

5.1. Vehicle Spy 3 Overview


Fig: Overview of RAD-wBMS

Your RAD-wBMS has arrived with the software necessary to use it. If the media containing this software is no longer available, the software can be found at the following link.


All necessary drivers are installed with the Vehicle Spy installation. If you do not intend to use Vehicle Spy, you will have to install a package containing the necessary drivers. This same package will also install support files to allow the hardware to be accessed through APIs hosted here: github.com/intrepidcs

In order to use Vehicle Spy 3, a license must be purchased for each device you wish to use. Unlike most licenses, Vehicle Spy licenses are perpetual, meaning you can use them forever. Once the maintenance on your license expires, you will no longer be able to update Vehicle Spy. However, you can renew maintenance on your license to continue receiving new features and bug fixes in later versions.

If you are having trouble finding or installing the software, please contact our customer support at icssupport@intrepidcs.com

5.1.1. Wired vs Wireless Connection

Your RAD-wBMS can be used in two different ways: connecting to a wired Node and connecting to a wireless Node. In neoVI explorer, you can change how you wish to connect to the Node. If you would like to know more about neoVI explorer see Section 5.5.5.

When connecting to the Node using the isoSPI™ interface (wired connection), ensure that External (isoSPI™) is selected in the wBMS Bridge page in neoVI Explorer. When connecting to the Node using wBMS (wireless connection), ensure that OnBoard is selected. Make sure to Write Settings after making any changes to the RAD-wBMS settings.


5.1.2. wBMS Embedded Tool


In Vehicle Spy 3, there is a tool dedicated to interfacing with your RAD-wBMS. On this page, there are three tabs: Network Topologies, ACL Configuration, and Load Files. However, this tool is not available to all users. This tool is hidden until a RAD-wBMS license file is loaded into Vehicle Spy 3. After adding your license file to

C:\IntrepidCS\Vehicle Spy 3\Licenses

Vehicle Spy 3 needs to be restarted for the tool to appear. Brief descriptions of each page on the wBMS Embedded Tool are included below:

Network Topologies

This tab contains information about each Node connected to the RAD-wBMS. This information includes:


CoreMini Script active

MAC Address

Status of CAN Channel 1, see above

Total Voltage

Status of CAN Channel 2, see above


Status of Ethernet Channel, see above

The following data sections will be supported in future versions of Vehicle Spy 3:


The Packet Data Rate (PDR) calculates the number of packets received per second

Container Type

What is loaded on the Nodes (i.e. the RAD-wBMS)


Counts the number of new issues that occur on the network

ACL Configuration

This page is used to configure the Access Control List (ACL). Here, you can edit the list of MAC addresses of Battery Nodes that the RAD-wBMS will attempt to connect to

Load Files

This page is used to communicate with onboard and external managers. Here, you can load configuration files to and download logs from the managers the RAD-wBMS is connected to.

5.2. RAD-wBMS Setup Directions

Initial Configuration

The RAD-wBMS requires some configuration in neoVI Explorer before it is ready to connect with battery cells. For more information on neoVI Explorer, see Section 5.

  1. Open neoVI Explorer by clicking the Setup Hardware icon

  1. On the General Settings tab, verify the firmware version is up to date. If the firmware is out of date, it will be listed in red; however, a firmware version that is up to date will be listed in black

  1. On the wBMS Bridge/SPI Configuration tab, ensure the correct Manager SPI Switch for whether you’re connecting to a Wireless or Wired Battery Node. (See 4.2.1 for more information)


Configuring Manager(s)

  1. Open the wBMS tool. Go to Embedded Tools -> wBMS. If the wBMS tool does not appear.

  1. Some information (i.e. the bit rate) must be provided to the Managers in order to function. Information like this is provided in configuration files (.cfg) that are loaded to the Managers. Open the Load Files tab and follow the directions below to load the configuration file

  2. To establish communication with the RAD-wBMS, Vehicle Spy 3 must be online with the RAD-wBMS. Run with Transmit and ensure the RAD-wBMS is selected

  1. On the Load Files tab, your RAD-wBMS can be selected using the dropdown menu while Vehicle Spy 3 is online. Ensure that you are connected by confirming you are connected to the managers.

  2. All discovered Managers (Onboard or External depending on Manager SPI Switch setting) will be listed with Configuration Hash 0

  3. Now, we will load a new configuration file. You can use the provided file, adi_wil_cfg_profile-2_24_100ms.cfg, or use ADI’s free configuration tool to configure your Managers as desired

  4. Click Browse and select the desired configuration file

  1. Set the File Type Selector to Configuration

  2. Click Select All Managers

  3. Click Update Nodes

  1. The Configuration Hash on existing managers will update based on the configuration once the Nodes have been updated

  2. In some cases, Vehicle Spy may need to be restarted after updating the configuration for the existing managers to update

Adding Nodes

The Access Control List (ACL) is configured to tell your RAD-wBMS which Nodes to connect to. The RAD-wBMS can connect to up to 24 Nodes with up to 12 cells in each Node.

  1. Under the ACL Configuration tab, click Add

  1. A MAC address will appear which has the first three bytes (OUI) of the MAC filled in, and the remaining bytes filled in with zeroes. For the RAD-wBMS-E, the OUI will be 64-F9-C0 (Analog Devices’s OUI), but for the RAD-wBMS-P, the OUI will match the OUI for your OEM. Fill in the remaining bytes to match the MAC address found on the Battery Node

  2. Do this for all Battery Nodes you wish to connect to

  3. Click >> to move the address to Assigned MAC

  1. Click Update ACL. This sends the Assigned MACs in the ACL to the Managers

  1. Under the Load Files tab, the MAC address will be displayed as a Node. The RAD-wBMS’s Current Network Mode is Standby, so Connected will be False for the added Node

  2. Finally, click Connect and allow up to 90 seconds for the managers to connect to the Nodes

Connecting to Battery Nodes

Once Battery Nodes have been added to the Access Control List, you can connect to them by choosing one of three connecting modes:


This mode is used to connect to a Node for the first time. After Commissioning, the Node will automatically be connected


This mode is used to connect to Nodes and receive the data that is being transmitted


This mode is like Active; however, it is optimized for monitoring Nodes over a long period of time (i.e. days or weeks)



In order to access other Modes (i.e. Commissioning or Monitoring), the RAD-wBMS must first be in Standby Mode. This is why the Mode defaults to Standby each time the RAD-wBMS is connected