3. A Tour of ValueCAN 4-1 Hardware


Warning: Do not attempt to open the case unless specifically instructed to do so by a technician at Intrepid Control Systems. Otherwise there is risk of possible injury or damage to the unit.

3.1. Case and Overall Design

The ValueCAN 4-1 is enclosed in a sturdy powder-coated metal case. The device has been designed and tested for in-vehicle use. It is operational from -40°C to +85°C. An overall view of the ValueCAN 4-1 can be seen in Figure 2.


Figure 2: ValueCAN 4-1 device.

Connectors are ruggedized by using reinforced metal connectors and it has a rubber boot to protect the device against bumps and drops.

3.1.1. Overview of the neoVI ValueCAN 4

The label of the ValueCAN 4-1 shows the device serial number and the pinouts of its DB-9 connector. The pinouts for the ValueCAN 4-1 connector and cable can be found in Figure 3.

There are two LEDs on the device signifying status of the device and CAN connections. They are on the top of the device. See Section 7.2 for reference regarding the LED indications and modes.


Figure 3: ValueCAN 4-1 top view.

3.2. Cable Options

The ValueCAN 4-1 has several cable options available. Cables and harnesses created for earlier ValueCAN models are compatible to the pinout of ValueCAN 4-1. Three different cables are available for the ValueCAN 4-1.


Figure 4: ValueCAN OBD-II Cable (DB-9F to OBD-11) Part # OBD2-Y-SPLIT


Figure 5: ValueCAN Deutsch 9-Pin Type 2 (J1939-RP1210) Cable (DB-9F to Deutsch 9-Pin Type 2) Part # J1939-CABLE


Figure 6: ValueCAN3 Channel Y Cable (DB-9F to 2x DB-9M) Part # VCAN3-Y-DB9