2. Introduction and Overview
2.1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing a neoRADIO from Intrepid Control Systems (ICS). Many lab applications require expanding the capability of your CAN tools to include physical I/O. The neoRADI/O device from Intrepid works with any CAN tool to provide low cost physical I/O. It includes 5 relays, 4 optically isolated digital inputs, and 0-26V analog inputs with 8 bits of resolution. All of these functions are accessed using a dual wire CAN network. When combined with CAN tools from Intrepid Control Systems, neoRADI/O makes controlling physical I/O simple and autonomous. Up to 64 neoRADI/Os can be used on one CAN network.
2.2. Simple Setup: One DIP Switch, One Database (DBC) File
The neoRADI/O device has an internal DIP switch that allows users to configure the CAN baud rate (125k, 250k, 500k or 1Mbit) and base offset of the CAN ID. Also included is a DBC file that predefines all possible CAN IDs and data values. neoRADI/O is unlike other CAN I/O solutions which require you to have specialized software, drivers, or CAN tools to integrate them into your current test setups.
2.3. Go PC-Free for Testing :
Combine a neoVI FIRE device, or other neoVI 3G device, to control a group of neoRADI/O boxes. The CoreMini scripting engine, internal to neoVI FIRE, is used to control your test real time and with increased reliability and lower cost than with a PC.
2.4. 2 CAN messages: One In, One Out :
The first CAN message controls the relays and sets up the input reporting. The other message reports the digital and analog inputs. The input reporting can be based on change, time, or both. The input reporting is saved to internal device eeprom. For protection, you can enable a timeout for the relay control.