WN Website: Manage Role |
The Manage Role administration feature shows a table (Figure 1) of all possible roles for Wireless NeoVI website accounts.
Figure 1: Manage Role shows a list of current roles supported by the Wireless NeoVI website.
Levels of Account Access
The Wireless NeoVI server has three levels of account access with decreasing levels of website control:
- Super Administrator (full control)
- can view website activity logs
- controls all Administrator accounts
- controls all Groups and User level accounts
- can view and reset security answer of all Administrators and Users
- controls all devices
- Administrator (much control)
- can view website activity logs
- cannot control other Administrator accounts
- controls all Groups and User level accounts
- can view and reset security answer of all User level accounts
- controls all devices
- User (little control)
- cannot view website activity logs
- cannot control Administrator accounts
- cannot control Groups or other User level accounts
- cannot view or reset security answer of other accounts
- cannot view or control devices assigned to other accounts
neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. |
Last Update:
Wednesday, February 06, 2013