WN Website: Manage Accounts

The Manage Accounts administration feature shows a page of registered accounts similar to Figure 1.  This page lets you add, delete, and edit accounts, assign devices to an account, and control email notifications.

Click New Account and enter the required information to add another account to the table.

Clicking a red X button () will ask if you want to delete the account in that row.

To edit an account, click on their name or email address within the table itself.

To assign devices to an account click Assign in the "Assign Devices" column for that account in the table.  This feature can give an account access to multiple devices.

To assign device notifications to an account click Assign in the "Notification" column for that account in the table.  This feature can allow multiple devices to send email notifications to an account.

Below the table, there are navigation aids to manage many accounts across multiple tables.

Figure 1: Manage Accounts shows a table of all registered accounts on the Wireless NeoVI website.

neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Saturday, October 27, 2012