Tutorial - Gateway Builder - Part 2 - Gateway Builder Overview

The Gateway Builder has several parts to it. The details of each are below.

Figure 1

Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5

Figure 1: - Gateway Builder Toolbar:

The toolbar in the Gateway Builder features the following options:

Figure 1 - 1

Figure 1: - Input Network View:

The Input Network View is where networks, messages and signals can be selected and added to the current gateway.

Figure 1-2: Input Network View

Figure 1: - Selected Messages View:

Figure 1 - 3: Selected Messages View

The 'Selected Messages' view shows what messages are part of the gateway being built, and also shows what network and message they are being outputted to, sorted by the column names at the top of the view. The top part of the view shows messages and networks included as part of the gateway, and the bottom part of the view shows messages excluded from the gateway when gatewaying an entire network. The width of the columns can be adjusted manually, and can be reset to their default position by clicking the 'Reset Column Sizes' button.

Figure 1: - Outgoing Messages View:

The Outgoing Messages View provides the same functionality for outputted messages that the Incoming Message View does for inputted messages with a few less options.

Figure 1 - 4: Outgoing Messages View

Figure 1: - Setup Panel:

This panel is where adjustments can be made to networks, messages and signals that are part of the gateway being built

Figure 1 - 5: Setup Panel

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