Main Menu: File

The Vehicle Spy File main menu contains tasks for opening and saving files (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The Vehicle Spy File main menu

Refer to Table 1 for a brief description of each File selection.

Table 1: Vehicle Spy File Menu

File Menu Selection Description
Logon Opens the Logon view.
New Creates a blank Vehicle Spy setup.
Open Opens an existing Vehicle Spy Setup.
Import > Function Block Loads an exported Function Block (*.vs3fb) into the current setup.
Import > Graphical Panel Loads an exported Graphical Panel (*.vs3gp) into the current setup.
Save Platform Changes Saves current Platform including the diagnostic database.
Save Saves current setup to the currently open file name.
Save As Saves the current setup to a new file (.vs3 or .vs3zip).
Explore Data Directory Opens the data directory of the logged on user.
Review Buffer Opens a captured buffer in the Messages view.
Exit Closes Vehicle Spy.

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