Vehicle Spy Tutorials

Vehicle Spy tutorials have been created to make learning Vehicle Spy quick and easy. The current available tutorials are listed below.



  1. Basics of Vehicle Spy

  2. Transmit Messages with Vehicle Spy

  3. Decode Signals From Messages

  4. Database Setup

  5. Function block Capture

  6. Function block Script and Playback

  7. Request and Save DTC Data

  8. DPS Programming Automation

  9. Getting Fancy with Diagnostics

  10. Sort Messages by ECU

  11. Configuring and using CoreMini

  12. Video Logging

  13. Simple Standalone Logging

  14. C Code Interface Intro

  15. Using Multiple Hardware Devices

**Please note that each of these topics assumes the knowledge gained in the previous tutorial.

More examples and advanced topics can be found under Application Notes.

  Spy Documentation - (C) Copyright 1997-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.