GetDeviceParameters Method - intrepidcs API
C/C++ declare - VB.NET declare - C# declare - Parameters - Return Values - Remarks - C/C++ example - VB.NET example - C# example

This method reads individual neoVI device parameters.

C/C++ Declare

int _stdcall icsneoGetDeviceParameters(void * hObject, char *pParameters, char *pValues, short ValuesLength);

C# Declare

public static extern int icsneoGetDeviceParameters(IntPtr hObject, ref byte pParameters, ref byte pValues, short ValuesLength);

Visual Basic .NET Declare

Public Declare Function icsneoGetDeviceParameters Lib "icsneo40.dll" (ByVal hObject As IntPtr, ByRef pParameters As Byte, ByRef pValues As Byte, ByVal ValuesLength As short) As Integer


    [in] Specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice.

    [in] This is an array containing parameter names. Each parameter is separated by a comma. The parameter names are matched without regard to case. All spaces are ignored. The size of this array must be 1024 bytes or less. The format of the array is:

        ParameterName,ParameterName, , . . . 

        See Valid Parameters for a list of parameter names for each device and supported network. 

        See examples below on how to build a parameter string.

    [out] This array will contain the values requested in the pParameters array. The values will be separated by comma's and in the order of the parameter names specified in the pParameters array. If a parameter name is not recognized the word "Error" will be placed in that value's location. If the pValues array length (specified by the ValuesLength parameter) is not long enough to store all of the values, the retrieval of parameter values will end and only a portion of the values will have be read and stored. The return value of the function, if greater than 0, will indicate the number of values read.

Return Values

-1 if there was an error while reading parameter values from the device. A return value greater than 0 indicates the total number of parameters read. A return value of 0 indicates that ValueLength was greater than 1024. GetLastAPIError must be called to obtain the specific error. The errors that can be generated by this function are:



It is ineffecient to use this function to read one parameter value at a time. If multiple parameters need to be read, combine them into a long string and call this function once.


C/C++ Example

char pGetFireParms[] = "network_enables,can1/Mode,can1/Baudrate";
char Values[500];
int iRetVal;

iRetVal = icsneoGetDeviceParameters(hObject, pGetFireParms, Values, 499);

Visual Basic .NET Example

C# Example

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Last Updated : Monday, April 27, 2020