ISO15765_TransmitMessage Method - intrepidcs API
C/C++ declare - VB.NET declare - C# declareParameters - Return Values - Remarks - C/C++ example - VB.NET example - C# example

This method transmits a message using ISO15765-2 on a CAN network.  icsneoISO15765_EnableNetwroks must be called before using icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage.  PCI bytes and Flow control decoding is taken care of by the dll for the transaction.

C/C++ Declare

void _stdcall icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage(void * hObject, unsigned long ulNetworkID,stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage *pMsg,unsigned long ulBlockingTimeout);

Visual Basic .NET Declare

Public Declare Function icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage Lib "icsneo40.dll" (ByVal hObject As IntPtr, ByVal ulNetworkID As Integer, ByRef pMsg As stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage, ByVal ulBlockingTimeout As Integer) As Int32

C# Declare

public static extern Int32 icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage(IntPtr hObject,Int32 ulNetworkID,ref stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage pMsg,Int32 ulBlockingTimeout);


    [in] Handle which specifies the driver object created with the OpenPort method. 

    [in] Specifies the network to transmit the message on. See NetworkID List for a list of valid Network ID values. Network support varies by neoVI device. NETID_DEVICE transmits on to the neoVI Device Virtual Network (see users manual).

    [in] This is the address of the stCM_ISO15765_TxMessage structure. The structure contains the properties for the multi frame message transaction. 

    [in] Amount of time in ms to wait for flow controls before timing out. 

Return Values





C/C++ Example

long lResult;
iNetwork = 1;
iCounter = 0;

//Create Message and adjust array to proper size
stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage tx_msg;
//enable ISO15765 on HS CAN
lResult = icsneoISO15765_EnableNetworks(m_hObject,NETID_HSCAN); = 0x7E0;
//ArbID of the message
tx_msg.vs_netid = NETID_HSCAN; //Network to use
tx_msg.num_bytes = 64; //The number of data bytes to use
tx_msg.padding = 0xAA;//Set Padding Byte

//Set the Flags
tx_msg.flags = 0;
tx_msg.paddingEnable = true;

//Set Flow control message
tx_msg.fc_id = 0x7E8; //ArbID for the flow control Frame
tx_msg.fc_id_mask = 0xFFF; //The flow control arb filter mask (response id from receiver)
tx_msg.flowControlExtendedAddress = 0xFE; //Extended ID
tx_msg.fs_timeout = 0x100; //Flow Control Time out in ms
tx_msg.fs_wait = 0x3000; //Flow Control FS=Wait Timeout ms
tx_msg.blockSize = 0; //Block size (for sending flow Control)
tx_msg.stMin = 0;
//Fill data
for(iCounter = 0;iCounter<64;iCounter++)
{[iCounter] = iCounter;

lResult = icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage(m_hObject, NETID_HSCAN, &tx_msg, 3000);

C# Example

int lResult;
int iCounter;
int iNetwork = 1;
byte[] DataBytes = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63};

//Create Message and adjust array to proper size
stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage tx_msg = new stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage(); =
new byte[4096];

//enable ISO15765
lResult = icsNeoDll.icsneoISO15765_EnableNetworks(m_hObject, 1); = 0x7E0;
//ArbID of the message
tx_msg.vs_netid = 1; //Network to use
tx_msg.num_bytes = 64; //The number of data bytes to use
tx_msg.padding = 0xAA; //Set Padding Byte

//Set Flags

iFlags = (iFlags |
Convert.ToInt32(CSnet.stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage_Flags.paddingEnable)); //Enable Padding
tx_msg.flags =

//Set up Flow control
tx_msg.fc_id = 0x7E8;
//ArbID for the flow control Frame
tx_msg.fc_id_mask = 0xFFF; //The flow control arb filter mask (response id from receiver)

tx_msg.fs_timeout = 0x100; //Flow Control Time out in ms
tx_msg.fs_wait = 0x3000; //Flow Control FS=Wait Timeout ms
tx_msg.blockSize = 0;//Block size (for sending flow Control)
tx_msg.stMin = 0;
//Fill data

(iCounter = 0; iCounter < DataBytes.GetUpperBound(0);iCounter ++)
{[iCounter] = DataBytes[iCounter];
lResult =
icsNeoDll.icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage(m_hObject, iNetwork,ref tx_msg, 3000);

Visual Basic .NET Example

lResult As Integer
iCounter As Integer
iNetwork As Integer = 1
Dim DataIn() As Byte = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63}

'//Create Message and adjust array to proper size
Dim tx_msg As stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage = New Byte(4096) {}

'//Create Flow Control Receive filter
Dim flow_cntrl_msg As New stCM_ISO157652_RxMessage

'//enable ISO15765
lResult = icsneoISO15765_EnableNetworks(m_hObject, GetNetworkIDfromString(lstISO15765Network.Text)) = &H7E0
'//ArbID of the message
tx_msg.vs_netid = NETID_HSCAN '//Network to use
tx_msg.num_bytes = 64 '//The number of data bytes to use
tx_msg.padding = &HAA '//Set Padding Byte

tx_msg.flags = 0 '//Clear Flags
tx_msg.flags =
CUShort(tx_msg.flags Or stCM_ISO157652_TxMessage_Flags.paddingEnable)'//Enable Padding

'//Configure Flow Control

tx_msg.fc_id = &H7E8
'//ArbID for the flow control Frame
tx_msg.fc_id_mask = &HFFF '//The flow control arb filter mask (response id from receiver)
tx_msg.flowControlExtendedAddress = 0 '//Extended ID
tx_msg.fs_timeout = &H100 '//Flow Control Time out in ms
tx_msg.fs_wait = &H3000 '//Flow Control FS=Wait Timeout ms
tx_msg.blockSize = 0 '//Block size (for sending flow Control)
tx_msg.stMin = 0

'//Fill data
For iCounter = 0 To UBound(DataIn) = DataIn(iCounter)
Next iCounter
lResult = icsneoISO15765_TransmitMessage(m_hObject, iNetwork, tx_msg, 3000)


IntrepidCS API Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.  (

Last Updated : Monday, July 03, 2017