Structure defining the parameters in OP_ETH_GENERAL_SETTINGS

C/C++ Declare

typedef struct __declspec (align(2))
   uint8_t ucInterfaceType;
   uint8_t reserved0;
   uint8_t reserved1;
   uint8_t reserved2;
   uint16_t tapPair0;
   uint16_t tapPair1;
   uint16_t tapPair2;
   uint16_t tapPair3;
   uint16_t tapPair4;
   uint16_t tapPair5;
   uint32_t uFlags;

Visual Basic .NET Declare

<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=2)> Public Structure OP_ETH_GENERAL_SETTINGS
   Dim ucInterfaceType As Byte
   Dim reserved0 As Byte
   Dim reserved1 As Byte
   Dim reserved2 As Byte
   Dim tapPair0 As UInt16
   Dim tapPair1 As UInt16
   Dim tapPair2 As UInt16
   Dim tapPair3 As UInt16
   Dim tapPair4 As UInt16
   Dim tapPair5 As UInt16
   Dim uFlags As UInt32
End Structure

C# .NET Declare


   public byte ucInterfaceType;
   public byte reserved0;
   public byte reserved1;
   public byte reserved2;
   public UInt16 tapPair0;
   public UInt16 tapPair1;
   public UInt16 tapPair2;
   public UInt16 tapPair3;
   public UInt16 tapPair4;
   public UInt16 tapPair5;
   public UInt32 uFlags;
} Remarks

ucInterfaceType Sets the mode of the device
0=Tap   1= Media Converter  2=Low Latency Tab
reserved0 Reserved
reserved1 Reserved
reserved2 Reserved
tapPair0For future use
tapPair1For future use
tapPair2For future use
tapPair3 For future use
tapPair4 For future use
tapPair5 For future use
uFlags Reserved

IntrepidCS API   Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Updated : Tuesday, July 02, 2019