StartSocketServer Method - intrepidcs API
C/C++ declare - VB.NET declare - C# declare - Parameters - Return Values - Remarks - C/C++ example - VB.NET example - C# example

This method starts the TCP/IP socket server at a specified port.

C/C++ Declare

int _stdcall icsneoStartSockServer(int hObject, int iPort);

Visual Basic .NET Declare

Public Declare Function icsneoStartSockServer Lib "icsneo40.dll" (ByVal hObject As Integer, ByVal iPort As Integer) As Integer

C# Declare

public static extern int icsneoStartSockServer(int hObject, int iPort);


    [in] Handle which specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice 

    [in] specifies the TCP/IP Port where the server will be established.

Return Values

If the server was started successfully the return value will be non-zero.


This method creates a TCP/IP server in the DLL. This server can be attached to by any TCP/IP clients using the RAW API or using the DLL by specifying TCP/IP with OpenNeoDevice. Only one server is allowed at a time.


C/C++ Example

icsneoStartSockServer(hObject, iPort);

Visual Basic .NET Example

bStatus = icsneoStartSockServer(m_hObject, iPort)) '// start the socket server

C# Example

iStatus = icsNeoDll.icsneoStartSockServer(m_hObject, Convert.ToInt32(txtServerPort.Text));

IntrepidCS API Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.  (

Last Updated : Monday, April 22, 2019