Using the intrepidcs API in Borland C++ Builder - intrepidcs API
Setup - Example

Do the following steps to use neoVI in Borland C++ Builder:

1) Start your new project and add the Dynamic link helper files to your project.

2) Add a #include "icsneo40DLLAPI.h" to your project

Figure 1 - include for "icsneo40DLLAPI.h"

Figure 2 - "icsneo40DLLAPI.cpp" added to project

3) Use the Functions "LoadDLLAPI" to load the functions and "UnloadDLLAPI" to unload the functions.  Examples are below.


//-----Load the DLL

    //problem, close the application
printf("Problem loading Library\r\nMake sure icsneo40.dll is installed and accessable\r\nPress any key to Exit");

//-----Unload the DLL


4) Finally, call the methods as defined in the he Basic Operation document.

A Borland C++ Builder example (Figure 1) is included to show how the API all works together.  The example files are included in the following file: (31kB)

The example shows how to open and close communication to the driver, send messages and read messages on the networks.

Figure 1 - The Borland C++ Builder Example.



IntrepidCS API Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.  (

Last Updated : Thursday, December 13, 2018