Hardware Settings - neoVI

Applies to
neoVI Blue

While most neoVI settings are software programmable a few are set with hardware.  The following items are set in hardware:  1) the termination resistors for low speed fault tolerant CAN, 2) the pull up resistors for the UART/ISO/Keyword 2k network, 3) the J1850 PWM LBCC network, and 4) Lin Master Resistor. Table 1 and Figure 1 explain how to make these settings.

Table 1 - Hardware Settings in the neoVI device


Bubble in Figure 1

Low Speed Fault Tolerant CAN Termination A Insert two 0.25 W resistors end to end in the sockets. See terminating a Low Speed Fault Tolerant CAN network for details.
K and L line pull-up resistors B Insert two 0.25 W resistors end to end with desired pull up values (510 Ohms are the factory default)
J1850 PWM LBCC C Insert two 0.5 W resistors end to end with the desired termination. (160 Ohms are the factory default)
LIN Master Resistor D Insert a 0.25 resistor end to end in the socket.  This resistor is used as the master resistor.  (510 ohms is the factory default)


Figure 1 - The neoVI has three settings inside the box.


 neoVI   Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2020 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Thursday, July 09, 2009