LIN : Local Interconnect Network - neoVI

Applies to
neoVI Blue, neoVI Red, neoVI FIRE, and neoVI Yellow

neoVI supports communication on LIN (Local Interconnect Network). 

Once detecting a proper Sync Break and Sync field, the neoVI will wait for the Msg Identifier field. The message reception will begin with the Msg ID field. The neoVI will receive the entire message according to the LIN spec.  After receiving the message error free, the neoVI will send the received message to the host starting with the Msg ID field.

If there are any errors neoVI will report the errors back to the host. Table 1 below lists the errors checked for by the neoVI device.

neoVI supports acting as a monitor, master, and slave.

Enabling LIN is done in the Hardware Explorer.  For neoVI Blue LIN is enabled under the ISO9141/KWord 2K/UART/LIN options.  Set the Mode to "LIN Mode" and the "Rx Transceiver" to LIN.  Also make sure the baud rate is correct for your network (Figure 1).

Figure 1 -LIN mode is entered via the neoVI Explorer.

To Enable LIN on a neoVI FIRE, neoVI Red, and neoVI Yellow is done in Hardware Explorer by Selecting the channel under network Enables and then setting the proper baud rate for that LIN channel (Figure 2)

Figure 2 -LIN mode is enabled via the neoVI 3G Explorer.

Figure 3 - A LIN Message

Table 1 - Errors detected in LIN mode.

Error Description
ISO_LIN_SYNC_BRK_ERR The Sync Break did not have all zero's 
ISO_LIN_SYNC_LEN_ERR The Sync Break did not have at least 9 zero's
ISO_LIN_SYNC_WAV_ERR The Sync Waveform received after a valid Sync Break was not 0x55
ISO_LIN_MSG_ID_PRTY The MSG ID field was not valid based on the MSG ID parity bits


 neoVI   Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2020 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Monday, June 01, 2009