Wireless neoVI APK Download

File Date
robot.txt 2024-07-03
rad-io2_v1_04.apk 2020-10-14
rad-io2_apk_changelog.txt 2020-10-14
changelog.txt 2024-04-23
cacerts-update.kitt 2024-07-11
Wireless_neoVI_3_11_07.apk 2023-06-13
Wireless_neoVI_3_11_06.apk 2023-04-25
Wireless_neoVI_3_10_06.apk 2021-09-30
Wireless_neoVI_3_09_06.apk 2021-06-04
Wireless_neoVI_3_08_03.apk 2020-02-26
Wireless_neoVI_3_07_05.apk 2019-09-05
Wireless_neoVI_3_06_03.apk 2019-02-21

beta releases


- Issue 190 - Unable to update license
- Issue 191 - Crash on FR VNETZ IONs when updating to VSpy3
- Issue 552 - KITT file not updating WiFi networks list

- Issue 185 - Unzip directory never gets cleared on new script
- Issue 184 - APK 3.11.05 Report Incorrect MCHIP Version (255.255)

- Issue 988 - CoreMini 51 support
- Issue 187 - Fixed issue with crash when apk tries to upload and now server is set

- Issue 175 - Fixed persistent crash on a fresh install
- Issue 332 - Allow for MIC2 to buzz via Function Blocks

New features
- Issue 170 - Added support for coremini 49
- Issue 178 - Added support for coremini 50
- Issue 177 - Added support for script unique ID

- Issue 160 - Resolved issue with duplicate data uploads, and added logging for cases in which duplicate data is logged
- Issue 492 - Resolved issue where collections would fail to upload after sending script through VSpy

New Features:
- Issue 155 - Added support for Coremini 47

v3.11.00 (removed as a result of issue 555)
- Issue 114 - Improve logging for APK when the RTC out of sync is detected
- Issue 115 - Added coremini version to UploadStart message
- Issue 119 - Fixed issue of upload failing when uploading the whole SD card
- Issue 121 - Fixed issue in which script was failing to sync when sent via USB
- Issue 123 - Fixed issue where WiVI reporting wrong sd card sizes and percentages when sd cards are switched out
- Issue 125 - Fixed issue in which persistent data isn't being uploaded
- Issue 131 - Cancel individual pending uploads after apk reinstall
- Issue 144 - Fixed Uploads sometimes getting stuck with UploadID/Sequence of 0
- Issue 126 - Fixed issue where upload would get stuck after landing zone was full
- Issue 319 - Fixed cause of "failed to find pre-trigger" error
- Issue 420 - Fix in ICB to prevent negative timestamps for neovi messages

New Features:
- Issue 110,134-138 - Improved kitt file execution
- Issue 112,120,124 - Added support for Coremini 43-46
- Issue 111 - Add kitt update behavior (immediately vs currently queued)
- Issue 116 - Made upload segment size configurable
- Issue 118 - Adds option for "Skip Percentage" in Upload preferences
- Issue 129 - Added configuration for vs4a open socket ports
- Issue 130 - Added additional unhandled exception log

New Features:
- Issue 571 - CoreMini 47 support

- Issue 344 - Fixed issue uploading full SD card

- Issue 125 - Persistent data not uploading

New Features:
- Issue 124 - CoreMini 46 support

- Issue 121 - Script failing to sync when sent via USB

- Issue 420 - Upgraded ICB to v1.4.1
- Issue 111 - Add kitt update behavior (immediately vs currently queued)
- Issue 319 - Fixed occasional failure to find pre-trigger
- Issue 117 - Update component versions after firmware kitt upgrade
- Issue 115 - Added coremini version to UploadStart message

New Features:
- Issue 112,120 - CoreMini 43-45 support

- Issue 196 - Display all VNET's types in device component versions
- Issue 226 - Improvement with Slave VNET chip version reporting
- Issue 256 - Upload collections improvements
- Issue 263 - Remove need to always re-sync script to server
- Issue 292 - Reject unknown CoreMini versions
- Issue 324 - Script won't sync to server if script is not running
- Issue 326 - Upload statistics reporting "00:00" upload times

New Features:
- Issue 260 - CoreMini 40-42 support

- Issue 282 - Duplicates of a script sync event were being created
- Issue 306 - Script wouldn't install via "Currently Queued" while no current script was installed

- Issue 49  - Server connection timed out when caching large script
- Issue 55  - Hiding set settings from server rejection
- Issue 99  - Collection uploaded over a disabled network type
- Issue 109 - Server page not updating when disabling wifi/cellular connection
- Issue 118 - Script not cached when sending script via USB
- Issue 193 - Uploads being rejected when a script fails to install
- Issue 195 - Script syncs didn't retry if they failed, blocking uploads
- Issue 200 - Script from a sync didn't contain all of the files of the original

New Features:
- Issue 5   - Added Modem Type, Overo Type, and Mem total to components page
- Issue 13  - Specify an individual pending upload to cancel
- Issue 163 - Added RAD-IO2 APK version to components page

- Issue 24  - Changed warning message when priority upload interrupts an upload
- Issue 32  - EPK Check (Persistent Log Data), script creation timestamp not same to that on server
- Issue 96  - Pre-post uploading entire SDCard
- Issue 97  - WAV files get stuck in upload loop 
- Issue 98  - Automatically get ICB version from library
- Issue 153 - VNET connection errors thrown when loading a new script via WiVI

New Features:
- Issue 33  - Updated Live Data support, "High Resolution Live Data"

- Requires update to ICB 1.3.6 on your server
- libICB update
    - Issue 58 - Breaks custom network names
    - Issue 50 - Checksums failing on extended records
- Issue 51 - Missing stop condition in VSB data
- Issue 55 - Add VNET diagnostic error code to log
- Issue 66 - Empty sectors causing large prepost uploads

- Requires Android 5.0.29 or 4.2.20
- Issue 37 - Won't acknowledge sleep request after sleep was previously interrupted
- Issue 38 - Some settings are never being saved
- Issue 39 - Uploads that cross SD Card end boundary are dropped
- Issue 40 - Add times since last message diagnostic log
- Issue 42 - Elapsed time of Upload Statics is incorrect
- Issue 43 - Uploads randomly hange indefinitely until power cycle or log upload

- Fixed occasional licensing issue where new licenses wouldn't be loaded properly

- Vehicle Spy 901 compatibility

- Same Android requirements as v3.07.04
- Updated libvspy.so to restore pre-release Live Data functionality
- Updated VS3 Low Voltage value parsing

- This APK requires Android 5.0.26 or needs to be installed via the 3.7.4 KITT file
- Android 4.x devices need Android updated via VSpy 900.81
- Add FlexRay VNETZ version to components
- VS4A connections enable/disable network communication with NeoVIServer
- Added log message when the license given to HID is discarded
- Obtaining the script status is no longer dependent on the VNET

 - VSpy 3.9.0.x support - Coremini 38
 - Issue 2 - Script check/sync on connect to server
 - Issue 3 - Improved SDCard connection handling
 - Issue 4 - Upload preparation on detection
 - Issue 7 - WiFi uploads no longer resume on a cellular connection
 - Issue 8 - Persistent log data and applications signals is now supported for uploads
 - Issue 10 - Readability of text views on PLASMA and monitor screens is significantly improved via dark mode
 - Issue 16 - Combined multiple connect messages into a single statement to reduce message spam
 - Issue 21 - Upload speeds improved by more than 2x

 - Bug 20241 - Successful USB script send causes current.cmbzip script sync
 - Bug 20228 - Sending CMB through USB causes failed md5 file path errors
 - SD Card boundary checking
 - Re-implement handling of neoVI Server (related to Bug 20229)
 - Prevent overflow when preparing an upload
 - More accurate VNET connection error reporting
 - Issue 1360 - Calculate clock drift and set RTC on script load
 - Bug 20214 - 32-Bit Coremini support (up to CM 38)
 - Add VNET type to component versions

- VNet connection handling and recovery improved
- Add WiFi and connected access point MAC addresses to component versions and Activity Log
- Removed spammy upload validation debug message
- New uploads will no longer be prematurely discarded when detected
- Bug 20188 - Validation only runs until we get the first valid event (the next upload)
- Bug 20134 - New uploads are no longer rejected is a new script fails to process
- Bug 20131 - New uploads weren't being uploaded until power cycle in some small cases
- Bug 20119 - Reject script load if a 32-bit Coremini is sent to a 16-bit VNet
- Bug 20110 - Prevent processing loop of Downloads (scripts, APKs, KITTs) when VNet is disconnected
- Bug 20109 - Upload start and end sector accuracy enhancement
- Bug 20108 - Script cache interruption handling added
- Bug 17895 - APK no longer crashes while parsing very large scripts

 - Don't fire VNET watchdog while in field upgrade mode
 - VS3 script info caching refactor
 - Bug 19982 - Android was shut down is no longer being logged
 - Warn when voltage is too low in real time
 - Add segment queue log to debug log
 - Check WiFi/Cellular is enabled when checking for pending uploads before sleeping

 - Added upload validation false overwrite detection
 - Added the ability to upload portions of the SD card that may contain previously abandoned data
 - Added APK version to Activity Log
 - Bug 19438 - Added utc_time to upload information

 - Bug 19428 - Don't allow the server host to be set to "null" and force a settings sync to the server if we see a "null" value for the host from the server.

 - Bug 19075 - Activity log is not updating on multiple devices (revert of previous 18837 implementation featured in v3.05.09 and new implementation added)
 - Bug 19183 - Allow for uploading data to be toggled for connection types

 - Bug 18989 - APK reports incorrect firmware version numbers for Fire2 VNET
 - Bug 19085 - Add IMEI and ICCID to component versions

 - Bug 18837 - Mic2 Recording not initiated on button press (initial commit)
 - Bug 18886 - Loggers staying awake because of Vehicle/script issues (function block log data messages)
 - Bug 18951 - Fails to start script on first attempt
 - Bug 18958 - SD card utilization bar toggles between full and real utilization
 - Bug 18962 - 'Enable/Disable wifi' option is overridden by 'reset wifi if connection fails' option

 - Added Automatic script start setting

 - BUG 18726 - Prevent crash due to unknown/random message data to Socket API
 - Bug 17960 - Optimize live data VSDB load
 - Added enable/disable socket API option to settings

 - Bug 16692 - Allow users to configure upload priority per-collection
 - Bug 18679 - Specify collection name of uploading events
 - BUG 18782 - Added LZ4 compression, set WiFi compression to match ethernet,
               added detail to segment upload speed, file size, and transfer time
 - Bug 18565 - Create a feature to disable WiFi or Cellular Remotely
 - Add the compressor type (LZ4 or ICB) to the segment status.
 - Better VNET interruption detection and recovery

 - Support for coremini 22 (VSpy 3.8.2.x firmware)

 - Bug 18125: Pending script uploads are not cleared when new script is loaded
 - Bug 18145: Viewing details of ManualEvent causes APK to crash

 - Live data: show network name based on saved name in VS3zip

 - Bug 18035: Partially completed uploads can be orphaned on disk when apk/client aborts upload
 - Bug 18064: Periodically print network stats when online streaming live data

 - Bug 11037: Does not show error message for script start/stop when no script loaded
 - Bug 17336: Manual upload current session with improper times
 - Bug 17818: BadFilterException while connecting device for first time

 + Support for live data signal streaming
 + Updated native libraries with support for Flexray and MOST VNET traffic
 - Bug 17746: Throttle pending upload notifications to prevent socket disconnect
 - Bug 17769: Coremini reports 0 on multiple devices

 - Support for coremini 21
 - Updated neoVI Server and ICB 1.3.2

 - Bug 16968: Transmit neoVI marker messages whenever neoVI MIC button is pressed

 - Bug 16900: Script load can fail if downloaded quickly after waking
 - Bug 17291: Duplicate audio files on server when using neoVI MIC
 - Bug 17335: Uploading extended records (0xAA0E) can cause app to crash
 - Bug 17389: Upload does not resume after shut down via time or voltage cut off

 + ICB 1.3: Support for Fire2 VNET extended records
 + ICB is now the default (and only) compression engine

 - Bug 17135: Manual uploads may not extract any data

 - Resolves a permissions error with firmware update KITT files
 - WiFi reset logic is now active even when WiFi is not connected
 - Resolves an issue with skipping zero-sector data events

 - Support for subdirectories in KITT files
 - Bug 16546: Ability to remotely prioritize a pending upload
 - Bug 16638: Assume the 'lowest priority WiFi' network is a cellular connection

 - Send a system broadcast when a script start or stop is requested
 - Bug 16547: Manual upload request should interrupt an upload in progress
 - Bug 16571: Server host URL entry does not work with "/" on the end

 - Bug 16459: Add decodings for the most common VNET errors
 - Bug 16460: Kitt file support for skipping field upgrade mode
 - Bug 16461: Cleanup old WN2 files to free disk space, limit log uploads

 - Resolves application crash related to log data alerts

 + Send system broadcasts when a new script is loaded over WiVI and when coremini changes
 + Support for log data function block step and system broadcast
 - Better management of application cache space
 - High compression LZ4 is used for WiFi uploads
 - Bug 16324: Server failed to start upload: DATA_PROCESS already exists

 - Reduced the number of alerts that are generated
 - Bug 16028: Race condition between "pending uploads" activity log and upload completion
 - Bug 16100: Fails to read MD5 cache file, doesn't recover
 - Bug 16148: Activity log should display 100% when download is completed
 - Bug 16206: Can keep transmitting data events after connection drops
 - Bug 16227: Upload wireless radio trace along with regular system trace

 - Upload speed is logged for each data segment
 - Bug 15910: Settings do not get sent to new server after changing host field via original server's UI
 - Bug 15965: Race condition when detecting new uplaods before sleep
 - Bug 15979: Send logcat every time a log upload is requested

 - Resolves a potential upload timeout caused by zero record uploads
 - Bug 15736: Canceled downloads (scripts, apks, kitts) can be orphaned on the logger
 - Bug 15829: Allow configuration of a low priority WiFi network to support 4G hotspots

 - Resolves a potential deadlock that could cause the APK to hang
 - Adjust socket connection read timeout
 - Logcat trace files use .logcat extension
 - Resolves an issue that could cause a SleepEvent to be missed
 - Bug 15710: Verify SD card contents after script load

 - Bug 14406: Upload logcat with activity log
 - Bug 14590: Small (<16 message) VSBs can be generated with certain collections
 - Do not use socket linger timeout

 - Bug 14590: Small (<16 message) VSBs can be generated with certain collections

 - Bug 15273: Manual upload is not available for current sleep session
 - Bug 15286: Rename DataEvents in manual upload view
 + Support for importing settings from WN2 APK

 + Transmit coremini size info to server
 - Bug 15172: Script can fail to start after downloading

 + Support for Fire2 main VNET

 + Support for VSpy 3.8.1.x scripts and firmware (native comm)

 + Local IP address is sent to the server
 + Script MD5 is sent to server as it changes
 - Don't upload log files if a download fails to process but will be retried
 - Detect and ignore duplicate upload events

 + libneoviserver with support for slave VNET traffic

 - Activity log uploads now use the .logdb extension

 + Added SD card status to the periodic diagnostic log message
 + Additional bounds checking on upload event sector ranges
 - Resolved an issue with compressing data that overlaps the SD card
 - Resolved issues with upload events that wrap the SD card
 - Canceling all pending uploads no longer drops archived sleep events

 + Support for VSpy 3.8.0.x (coremini v20) scripts
 + Validate that coremini versions match before loading new scripts
 + Tweaked event names and included upload sequence number
 - Scrub "http://" from server host if present

 - Settings are transmitted to the server when modified on the device
 - Active upload will abort if script change is detected or all pending uploads are canceled

 - Loading a new script no longer creates an alert and uploads a log
 - Sync full script when moving between WN servers
 - Improved script sync log output
 - Update cached coremini header before checking if script sync is required

 - Pending upload size could be negative
 - Removed debug mode; device always stores diagnostic info
 - Added more info to the skipped upload alert
 - SleepEvent detection is less verbose

 - Event times are recorded based on the Unix epoch instead of neoVI RED ticks
 - "Done uploading" sleep notification could be sent when uploads remained 

 + Added connection handshake error message from server
 + Script name is displayed at the bottom of the main activity
 - Adjusted upload data packet size

 + libicsneo/libneoviserver v3.7.1.82
 - Ignore finished sleep events when correcting new sleep events

 - GPS points could fail to upload, crash APK
 - After script load, large sleep event upload could be triggered

Wireless neoVI 3 is a refresh of the Wireless neoVI system that includes a new,
more efficient, communication protocol and enhanced feature set.