Touch Screen

neoVI PLASMA has a touch sensitive screen that uses an Android operating system like many of today's smartphones.  Along the top are status bar icons to show new and ongoing events.  The home screen (Figure 1) shows onboard applications like WirelessNeoVI.

Figure 1: The neoVI PLASMA home screen with status bar indicating a successful start up.

How Do I Use the Touch Screen?

Use these touch motions to perform different tasks:

Status Bar

Along the top of the screen is a status bar that shows new and ongoing events.  The events are indicated with short text or small animated icons.  The status bar can be flicked downwards to expose more details and upwards again to hide them.

Successful Start Up of Wireless

A few moments after neoVI PLASMA boots up, the touch screen status bar should show:
WirelessNeoVI service is enabled and server is online.
GPS lock established (if enabled, connected, and available)
Wireless link established (WIFI/3G if enabled, connected, and available)
Full battery level (due to external DC power through VNET)

neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Monday, April 22, 2013