WN Website: Manage Devices

The Manage Devices administration feature shows a page of registered devices similar to Figure 1.  This page lets you add, delete, and edit devices and also assign accounts to a device.

The Search field above the table helps find a specific device.  There are also navigation aids below the table to manage many devices across multiple tables.

Click Device Components Version to see a table of all devices and their software versions.

Click New Device and enter the required information to add another device to the table.

Clicking a red X button () will ask if you want to delete the device in that row.

To edit a device, click on the Device Label or Device SN links within the table itself.

To assign accounts to a device click Assign for that device in the table.  This feature can give multiple accounts access to the same device.

Figure 1: Manage Devices shows a table of all registered devices on the Wireless NeoVI website.

neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Wednesday, February 06, 2013