Vehicle Spy Text API: ECU Object


ECU specific functionality is accessed via the ecu object.  The syntax is as follows:

ecu.sim.simulatetransmitmessages 0  ;simulate the receive messages for those in the ECU collection

ECU Object

Command Name Description Example
sim Accesses the ECU simulator. ecu.sim.compile  
 ;compile the simulator

ecu.sim Object

Command Name Description Example
compile Compiles the changes made to the ECUs collection.  It will regenerate the tx message collection. and copy the signals from the signal collect.  
defaultsignaltype This is an enumerated constant indicated for signals not accounted for in the signals collection or the replay data file.  
ec Accesses the collection of Simulator ECUs for simulation.  
isrunning Indicates if the simulator is running or not. ecu.sim.isrunning?
manualstart Set/Returns if the simulator starts when Vehicle Spy starts.  
replaydatafile Set/Returns if the name of the vehicle spy log file used for replay.  
repeatreplay Set/Returns if the replay should automatically restart when the file completes.  
start Starts the simulator.  
stop Stops the simulator.  
simulatenormal Returns/Sets if the ECUs should simulate normal messaging.  
simulatediagnostics Returns/Sets if the ECUs should simulate diagnostics messaging.  
simulatetransmitmessages 1 = tx message list is generated from the tx list of each ECU.

0 = tx message list is generated from the rx list of each ECU.
sg A collection of signals which will be copied to the transmit message upon compilation.  
tx This is the collection of transmit messages sent by the simulator.  It is dynamically created by the compile method.  
replaystart This starts the replay data file at the first value if the simulator is running.  
replaystop This stops file replay if it is running.  
generatehvwakeup If 1 the simulator will generate a single wire CAN high voltage wakeup when started.  
mg Accesses the collection of Messages for simulation.  Messages are only present if they apply some custom properties such as default message bytes or period.
GenerateVNMF If 1 the simulator will generate a VNMF for the single wire CAN ECUs involved in the simulation.  
VNMFID This indicates the CAN ID of the VNMF used by the simulator. Object

Command Name Description Example
ecuname The ECU short name.  
enablenetworkmanagement If 1 the simulator uses VN (virtual network) states to determine which messages should be sent.  Otherwise, they are always sent.  
networkname The network name according to the uef file "hsCAN" or "swCAN". Object

Command Name Description Example
databytes{X} This allows default databytes to be entered for databytes0 through databytes7.  

The description of the message.  This includes the ECU name followed by a backslash.

"SDM\Airbag Indications"

disablemessage This disables this message if 1.  
overrideperiod This will override the period of the message.  
period The modified message period if "overrideperiod" is 1.  

  Spy Documentation - (C) Copyright 1997-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.