Vehicle Spy Text API


The purpose of the Text API is to provide a simple text based command set for Vehicle Spy 3 to allow third party applications to take advantage of the power of Vehicle Spy without rewriting much code.
The Text API command set is text based so it can be easily used over many interfaces such as RS232, USB, Ethernet, or Wireless. It is also independent of the operating system or development environment of the host. The command set is similar to what may be found in a programmable instrument consisting of commands and responses.
You can easily write an object or function wrapper around the Text API. This will allow a more convenient use in professional languages such as C#, Java, Visual Basic, LabVIEW, or C/C++. The Text API could also exist as a simple macro language itself.

Tips for Learning

The best way to learn the Text API is to experiment. The Text API terminal in Vehicle Spy 3 is a great tool for this purpose. Also, because most of the commands are based on the XML tags, you can just open the vs3 file in a text editor to see what properties can be manipulated via this extremely flexible API.

Summary of Rules

The following rules are not yet supported

Command and Queries

The basic communication consists of commands and queries. Commands set a property or execute a method. Queries request a property.

Commands and Queries will return one of two of possible responses: ok or er. "ok" means that the command completed successfully. "er" means there was a problem with the command. The ok will have text following the command that indicates what command completed and any return values.

Events can be either asked for with a method or can appear asynchronously in the receive stream. You also must specify, or "register", which events you wish to receive.

Table 1: Syntax of Commands, Queries, and Events

Type Syntax of Command Syntax of Successful Response
Command methodname {arguments} ok methodname
Queries methodname? ok methodname {propertyvalue}


A successful start command

Host: Start
Vehicle Spy 3:ok start

A unsuccessful root command

Host: Startasdf
Vehicle Spy 3: er command not found:startasdf

A successful query

Host: AutoDetectHardware?
Vehicle Spy 3: ok autodetecthardware 1

example: LoadFile Method

This command starts with root object and ends with a carriage return.

Host: loadfile text.vs3<CR>
Vehicle Spy 3:
ok loadfile

neoVI PRO Text API

The neoVI PRO supports two APIs, first is the Text API and the second is the neoVI RAW API. The Text API is the default API on the USB, COM, and Ethernet (via TCP) ports; therefore, all of the Text API commands here work with the Vehicle Spy 3 code running in the neoVI PRO.

Using the Text API

The following table indicates how you can interact with the Text API.

Application Source Comment
Vehicle Spy 3 Text API Terminal Allows you to manually type in Text API commands and see their responses.
Vehicle Spy 3 Function Blocks Allows you to send and receive Text API commands.
Vehicle Spy 3 Java The Java Environment interacts with Vehicle Spy via the Text API.
Vehicle Spy 3 Via COM or TCP port Vehicle Spy 3 can act as a COM or TCP server. Setup via Tools/Options.
neoVI PRO neoVI PRO setup The neoVI PRO setup allows you to send commands to neoVI PRO on the control panel.
neoVI PRO via USB, COM and TCP ports
neoVI PRO Java or Function Block scripts
DLL The TextAPI method of the icsneo40.dll Not yet supported.

Root Objects

Command Name Description Example
Root Objects for Application Signals
all? returns all application signals that are not remote signals in a key=value comma separated string. This is used to efficiently read all app signals over a slower network. all?
allsetup? returns all application signals that are not remote signals in a key=description comma separated string. This is used to efficiently read all app signals descriptions over a slower network.
apprestore Restores application signals from disk.
appsave Saves application signals to disk. Application Signals must be enabled for saving. Signals are saved in a file in the same path as the vs3 file.

{vs3 file name}.appini
as Accesses the collection of Application Signals. See the topic on Collection Objects.
as(index or key) Accesses a specific application signal by an index or a key. Set the topic on Signal objects.
Root Objects for Diagnostic Jobs
dg Accesses a specific diagnostic jobs by an index or a key. dg(0).start ;starts a diag job.
Root Objects for Files and Paths
copyfile Copies a file in the data directory to another in the data directory. Source and target are separated by a comma. Make sure the file is accessible and not in use. copyfile MyTestfile.vs3,CopyOfMyTest.vs3
deletefile Removes a file in the data directory. Make sure the file is accessible and not in use. deletefile FileToDelete.vs3
dir Returns the files in the root of the compact flash card or the Vehicle Spy data directory. A filter spec determines which files to return. dir? *.*
diskspace returns the amount of diskspace both available and total in kilobytes. diskspace?
filedetails Returns information size, time/date on a file in the data directory/neoVI PRO compact flash card. filedetails? test.vs3
loadfile Loads a setup file from the data directory. This command should not be called from the same instance of Vehicle spy. loadfile test.vs3
renamefile Renames a file in the data directory. The input and output files names are separated by a comma. Make sure the file is accessible and not in use. renamefile FileName.vs3,NewNameForFile.vs3
status Returns the loaded file and whether the file is running. status?
Root Objects for Function Blocks
fb Accesses the collection of Function Blocks. See the topic on Collection Objects. fb.count? ;asks for the number of function blocks
fb(index or key) Accesses a specific function block by an index or a key. Set the topic on function block objects. fb(1).start ;starts the first function block.

fb(tst2).stop ;stops the function block with key tst2.
Objects for GPS or Joystick
gps Accesses the GPS object. gps.latitude?
JoystickEnabled Indicates whether the joystick is enabled or not.
JoystickSelected Indicates which joystick is used.
Root Objects for Graphical Panels or User Interface
gp(index or key) Graphical Panel objects.
gp(index or key).all? returns all graphical panel control values in a key=value comma separated string. This is used to efficiently read all graphical panel data over a slower network. gp(dia1).all?
gp(index or key).allsetup? returns the graphical panel as an XML string.
gpallsetup? returns all graphical panels in a key=description comma separated string. This is used to efficiently read all panel descriptions over a slower network.
ui Controls the user interface of neoVI PRO. Described in a separate topic.
Root Objects for Hardware
ao Accesses a specific analog outputs by an index or a key. See the topic on transmit message objects. ao(0).value 3.42
id Returns the current neoVI PRO firmware ID. id? ;get the neoVI PRO ID.
io0isoutput or io1isoutput Returns/Sets whether MISC1 pin is an output or input. io0isoutput 1 ;make MISC1 and output
io0value Returns/Sets the value of the MISC 1 pin on neoVI PRO on the DB15 connector. io0value?
io1value Returns/Sets the value of the MISC 2 pin on neoVI PRO on the DB15 connector. io1value 1
ixcbusenabled Returns/Sets whether the ixcbus is enabled.
ixcbusnetwork Returns/Sets the network where the IXCBus protocol is used.
Root Objects for J1939
j1939dm1srcall Returns a comma separated list of SRC addresses that have active DTC's j1939dm1srcall?
J1939dm1src(address) J1939 Object; also returns list of DTCs for specified address j1939dm1src(0)?
Root Objects for Messages
mg Accesses the collection of Messages. See the topic on Collection Objects.
mg(index or key) Accesses a specific message object by an index or a key. See the topic on message objects. mg(0).clearstats ;clears the stats of first msg
tx Accesses the collection of Transmit Messages. See the topic on Collection Objects. tx.additem ;adds a message at the end of the collection
tx(index or key) Accesses a specific transmit message by an index or a key. See the topic on transmit message objects. tx(1).Arbid 234 ;sets the arb id in hex
Root Objects for Simulation
ecu Accesses the ecu subobject. This is discussed in a separate topic.
SimulationEnabled Sets/Returns whether simulation is used or you are connecting to hardware.
SimulationPath Sets/Returns the path of the file used for simulation mode.
Root Objects for Vehicle Spy
AutoDetectHardware Sets whether Vehicle Spy will detect hardware or not. AutoDetectHardware 1 ;sets hardware to autodetect.

AutoDetectHardware? ;asks for the autodetect setting.
isrunning Returns whether if Vehicle Spy is running or not. isrunning?
Start Starts Vehicle Spy.
Stop Stops Vehicle Spy.
timedate Returns/Sets the time date of the clock. timedate?

Analog Output Objects

Command Name Description Example
calculatefromsignal Returns/Sets whether analog outputs are automatically calculated using busdecoder mode or can be set via the Text API. The power default is automatically calculated. ao(0).calculatefromsignal 0 ;allow manual control
EnableCalibratedValues Returns/Sets whether analog outputs are scaled according to the calibration scaling. Disable this feature to perform calibration. ao(0).EnableCalibratedValues 0 ;disable for calibration
messagekey Returns/Sets the key of the message attached to this analog output.
signalkey Returns/Sets the key of the signal attached to this analog output. This is used in conjunction with signal key.
value Returns/Sets the value of the output. This is only valid if calculatefromsignal is false. ao(0).value 3.21 ;sets output to 3.21V

Collection Objects

Command Name Description Example
Additem Adds an item to the end of the collection. fb.additem ;adds an item to the end of the collection.
Count Indicates how many items in the collection. Read only. tx.count? ;how many tx messages are defined?
DeleteAllObjects Removes all items from the collection. as.deleteallobjects ;remove all of the app signals.
KeyExists Determines if the specified key exists in the collection. tx.keyexists out0 ;does this key exist in the collection?
ReturnIndexFromKey Finds the key in the collection and returns the index. If the key is not found it returns -1. tx.returnindexfromkey out0

Function Block Objects

Command Name Description Example
save Saves the function block data.
start Starts the function block. fb(0).start ;starts the first function block.
stop Stops the function block.
trigger Triggers the function block.

J1939 Objects

Command Name Description Example
dtc(code).spn Returns the SPN number for requested DTC (specified by code) j1939dm1src(0).dtc(0).spn?
dtc(code).FMI Returns the FMI number for requested DTC (specified by code) j1939dm1src(0).dtc(0).fmi?
dtc(code).oc Returns the OC number for requested DTC (specified by code) j1939dm1src(0).dtc(0).co?

Message Objects

Command Name Description Example
ByteStringX Sets the filter bytes for a network in hex. mg(0).ByteString0 110
CFTimeOutsMs Specifies the Consecutive Frame timeout in milliseconds.
ClearStats Clears all statistical information associated with the message. Does not clear signal stats. mg(0).ClearStats
Compile Compiles filter bytes and equations and then makes changes activate.
Description {Text Description} Sets the description for a message. Set the description for message number 4 as Engine Data:

mg(3).description Engine Data<CR>
DisplayColor Sets/Returns the color the message is displayed with. mg(0).DisplayColor 0 ;display black
EnableISO15765 This enables long messaging on CAN based off of ISO15765.
EnRxEvent {Return Msg, Return Value, Return Stats} .sg(in3433).EnRxEvent
ExpectedLength Sets the expected length of a specific message.
FlowCArbID Sets/Returns CAN id used for the flow control frame in iso15765 messaging.
FlowCBlockSize Sets/Returns the block sized used in long can messaging.
FlowCSTmin Sets/Returns the flow control STMin.
refresh Updates message table. This is useful when making changes to messages via text API mg.refresh
sg Accesses the collection of Signals. See the topic on collection objects.
sg(index or key) Accesses a specific Signal object by an index or a key. See the topic on message objects. sg(0).value? ;Asks for the Value of the first signal

Signal Objects

Command Name Description Example
value Sets/Gets the value.
Description {Text Description} Sets the description for a signal. Set the description for signal number 4 as throttle position:

mg(0).sig(3).description Throttle Position<CR>
DisplayColor Sets/Returns the color the message is displayed. mg(0).DisplayColor 0 ;display black
Equation Gets/Sets the equation.
Format Get/Sets the equation format.
refresh Updates signal information. This is useful when making changes to signals via text API.


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2   SP  !   "   #   $   %   &   '   (   )   *   +   ,   -   .   /
3   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   :   ;   <   =   >   ?
4   @   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O
5   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   [   \   ]   ^   _
6   `   a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o
7   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z   {   |   }   ~ DEL

  Spy Documentation - (C) Copyright 1997-2022 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.