Part 7 - Exercises


Decoding signals from messages is easy! In this tutorial the following topics were covered:


  1. Define an additional signal for our Engine Parameters message. Make the signal Digital and enter the equation {B1} > 127. Do not remove the signal you created earlier. Observe the behavior.
  2. Plot the new signal from Exercise 1 using the Signal Plot.
  3. Bonus Exercise: (for the very brave) Select Measurement> Graphical Panels from the main menu. Click the Meter button from the Graphical Panels tool bar. Click inside the main panel to add the meter. With the meter selected, examine the Properties tab to the right. Double click in the Signal field. The Expression Builder opens. Highlight Throttle Position, select Value from the Properties list, and then click Add to Expression. This will link the Throttle Position to the meter you just added. Click OK to close the Expression Builder. From the Properties tab, set Minimum to 0 and Maximum to 100. Observe what happens and experiment with other controls. Click the buttons in the Graphical Panels toolbar and add controls to the panel. Use the Properties panel to adjust their settings.

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