The Embedded Tools -> CAN Terminal is a7f1 feature that can be useful for developing and debugging ECUs. CAN Terminal lets you send text commands and receive responses from an ECU. All commands and responses are shown in the main window of the CAN Terminal.
The first requirement for using the CAN Terminal is that a connected ECU supports this type of
communication protocol. The protocol requires the strings to be sent using ASCII and to have a $0D as
the last byte in the string. The message can be in more than one frame, but must have a $0D to end
the string.
Can Terminal is enabled by checking the Enable CAN Terminal check box in the upper left of the
dialog (Figure1: ). The command or string
to send to the ECU goes in the textbox next to the Send button
). If the message is periodic,
check Repeat Every (ms) and enter in the rate to have it repeat
). The Clear button
) will empty the messages in the
CAN Terminal window.
The Setup button (Figure1: ) brings
up a setup window (Figure 2) where the network, CAN IDs, and an output log file can be specified.