Part 2 - Enter a Message

1. Create a Message:

Open up the Messages Editor panel in the main workspace using the custom tab set or by selecting Spy Networks> Messages Editor. Define a new Receive message for HS CAN by selecting HS CAN from the on Network pull down and clicking the + button (Figure 1:).

Using the Setup dialog, enter the following specifications:

Description: Engine Parameters
Type: Std 11 bit
Arbitration ID: 110
Choose Custom Color

Figure 1: Specifying a signal within a message.

2. Create a Signal:

The lower portion of the Setup dialog contains a Signals in Message area. Click the + button in this area to add a blank 8 bit signal specification (Figure 1:).

3. Enter a Signal Description:

Give the signal the description Throttle Position. This is done by double clicking the default description (Figure 1:) and typing in a new description.

4. Set Signal Decoding:

To tell Vehicle spy how to decode this signal, the fx Edit button (Figure 1:) can be clicked to bring up the decoding options.

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