The Online tab is where all of the configuration work and settings in VehicleScape DAQ come together for PC Logging. Switching from other VehicleScape DAQ tabs to this one will automatically take Vehicle Spy online. Depending on the selected settings, logging may or may not automatically commence as well.
A sample of the Online tab with logging active can be seen in Figure 1. The interface is mostly divided into a left half for signals and a right half for diagnostics. Main logging control is provided through a button at the top left, with additional controls found near the bottom right of the tab.
The button at the top left of the screen )
The time that logging begins depends on the setting of the Start Logging parameter under PC Logging. If it is set to Start Automatically, then logging will begin as soon as Vehicle Spy goes online (including when the Online Tab is clicked.) If the setting is Start Manually, logging must be initiated using the Log button; for Start on Equation, logging will begin when the equation evaluates to True.
The left half of the screen )
This area continues to update even while logging is disabled, making it similar to the Signal List view. PID and MEP A2L file data item priorities can be changed to High, Medium or Low simply by double-clicking on them. The right-click menu used in the Channels Tab is accessible here as well, providing a number of convenient options.
This )
Below the Diagnostic Tweaker are a few additional controls: