General IO Report - neoVI

To report General IO input values, the neoVI device responds with a CAN message on the neoVI virtual network. This CAN message packs different neoVI data in the data field of the CAN message. Table 1 below lists the data values and there bit and length positions.

Table 1 - General IO Report Bit Positions

Signal Length and location Description
MISC 3 Analog Input Value 10 bits long starting at Bit 0 (bit 7 of byte 1) The 10 bit analog value sample on the MISC 3 channel. 
MISC 2 State 1 bit long at bit 5 of byte 2 The On/Off state of MISC 2
MISC 1 State 1 bit long at bit 4 of byte 2 The On/Off state of MISC 1
MISC 6 State 1 bit long at bit 3 of byte 2 The On/Off state of MISC 6
MISC 5 State 1 bit long at bit 2 of byte 2 The On/Off state of MISC 5
MISC 4 State 1 bit long at bit 1 of byte 2 The On/Off state of MISC 4
MISC 3 State 1 bit long at bit 0 of byte 2 The On/Off state of MISC 3
MISC 4 Analog Input Value 10 bits long starting at Bit 16 (bit 7 of byte 3) The 10 bit analog value sample on the MISC 4 channel. 
RS232 DTR State Value 1 bit long at bit 5 of byte 4 The On/Off state of the RS232 DTR Signal
K Line State 1 bit long at bit 3 of byte 4 The On/Off state of the ISO K line
MISC 7 State 1 bit long at bit 2 of byte 4 The On/Off state of MISC 6
MISC 5 Analog Input Value 10 bits long starting at bit 32 (bit 7 of byte 5) The 10 bit analog value sample on the MISC 5 channel. 
MISC 6 Analog Input Value 10 bits long starting at bit 48 (bit 7 of byte 7) The 10 bit analog value sample on the MISC 6 channel. 


 neoVI   Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2020 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Friday, June 22, 2001