neoVI Device Virtual Network

Applies to
neoVI Blue

When neoVI is used via the DLL or Vehicle Spy, neoVI presents the user with a virtual CAN network called "neoVI". The user can use this network to access neoVI device features. 

For example, you can set the LED Green by transmitting a message with an Arb ID of 0x100 (0x means Hex value). Also, neoVI can return messages back to the user such as reporting the general IO states (Arb ID 0x100). Table 1 below lists the commands that can be transmitted. Table 2 lists the responses from the neoVI device.

The following Vehicle Spy 3 file assists users in working with the neoVI virtual network. (NeoVIDatabase.vs3)

Table 1 - neoVI Device Virtual Network Transmit Commands (PC sends to neoVI)

Name ID (hex)

 Length (bytes)

Data Bytes Description
Set LED Green 100 0 none Sets the LED green
Set LED Red 101 0 none Sets the LED red
Set LED Flash 102 0 none Flashes the LED according to the LED settings
Set LED Off 103 0 none Turns the LED off
Set MISC 1 State 201 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1  Sets the state of misc 1 based on the first bit of the byte 1
Set MISC 2 State 202 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 2 based on the first bit of the byte 1
Set MISC 3 State 203 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 3 based on the first bit of the byte 1
Set MISC 4 State 204 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 4 based on the first bit of the byte 1
Set MISC 5 State 205 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 5 based on the first bit of the byte 1
Set MISC 6 State 206 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 6 based on the first bit of the byte 1
Set MISC Pins 1 & 2 208 1 Bits 0:1 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 1 and 2 based on the first two bits of byte 1
Set MISC Pins 3-6 209 1 Bits 0:4 of Byte 1 Sets the state of misc 3 through 6 based on the first five bits of byte 1
Set J1850 Select Relay 20A 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of J1850 select relay based on the first bit of the byte 1. 0 selects JVPW and 1 selects JPWM. (neoVI Blue Only)
Set K Line 210 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of the K line
Set L Line 211 1 Bit 0 of Byte 1 Sets the state of the L Line
Start DAQ 300 1 Byte 1 Starts the Data Acquisition Pacer Clock and Returns a Start Response. The Clock rate is set by byte 1 (See DAQ pacer topic for settings)
Stop DAQ 301 0 none Stops the Data Acquisition Pacer Clock
Set Transmit Message Delay 302 2 Bit 0 of Byte 1,Bit 1 of Byte 1 and Byte 2

Adds a hardware controlled delay between consecutive transmit messages. Bit 0 of Byte 1 enables this feature. Bit 1 of Byte 1 enables this for the next message only (a one shot). Bits 2 through 3 indicate the tick timer used. Finally, byte 2 is the (delay+1) in counts of the tickcount. (neoVI Blue/ValueCAN 2 Only). For example, with bit 4 set and a delay byte of 9 we would get a delay of 10*50ms.

Setting (bits 2-3) Timer Used
Bit 2 Set Only 100 uS
Bit 3 Set Only 1 mS
Bit 4 Set Only 50 mS
Set Num Tx Messages 303 1 Byte 1 Sets the number of transmit messages. This number lets neoVI know if it should check the transmit mesages periodically if they need to be transmitted. Valid Values are 1 through 10.
Update Periodic Message Info 304 4 Bytes 1 through 4

This will setup the next transmitted message to be a stored message that can be sent periodically. There is a limit of 10 messages at a time.

Byte Description Notes
Byte 1 Tx Message To Update Indicates which transmit message to update.
Byte 2 Message Period. This is a one byte value indicating the period +1.
Byte 3 Message Enable When 1 the message will be enabled.
Byte 4 Period Timer

This setting indicates the timer used for the period.

Setting (bits 0-2) Timer Used
Bit 0 Set Only 100 uS
Bit 1 Set Only 1 mS
Bit 2 Set Only 50 mS
Disable Tx Reporting 305    

This will disable the transmit reports. This is useful when transmitting a large amounts of data quickly. Because neoVI does not have to bother sending the message data back to the host. Two types of report disable are available. The first is the full message report. This report returns the entire transmit back to the host. The second, only available on CAN networks, disables the tx complete message as well. The tx complete has time stamp info.

Byte Description Notes
1 Disable Full Message Report=1 Disables full message reporting on all networks.
2 Disable CAN Tx Report=1 You cannot disable this feature unless full message reporting is also disabled. CAN networks only.
Set LBCC FRead Data 500 2 Byte 1 and Byte 2 Sets the data values for the LBCC's function read data
Set SWCAN Mode 601 1 Byte 1

Sets the following modes for the Single Wire CAN network: 

Byte 1 = 1 - bit 0- Normal Mode
Byte 1 = 2 - bit 1- High Voltage
Byte 1 = 4 - bit 2 - High Speed
Byte 1 = 8 - bit 3 - High Speed Test Tool
Byte 1 = 16 - bit 4 - Single Shot High Voltage Mode

Single Shot HV mode will cause the transceiver to return to normal mode after the next SWCAN message has completed. To use this you would send the Set SWCAN with both High Voltage and Single Shot High Voltage Set.


Set SWCAN Auto HS Mode 602 2 Byte 1 and Byte 2

Byte 1 = 1 - Enable High Speed Mode Autoswitch
Byte 2 = 1 - Enable Test Tool Resistor During AutoSwitch

Autoswitch mode will turn on high speed mode upon receiving the GMLAN 3110 Programming Mode $A5 message request hs mode(101-FE-A5-02) followed by a $A5 enable programming mode (101-FE-A5-03). Autoswitch will exit upon a timeout of 5 seconds of tester present (101-FE-3E) or a Return To Normal $20 message (101-FE-20).

This setting is loaded from EEPROM at reset and reconfiguration. Configuration is done by neoVI Explorer. The autoswitch function will not be enabled until the network communications are enabled.

Set LSFTCAN Mode 701 1 Byte 1 Sets the following modes for the Low Speed Fault Tolerant CAN network: 
Byte 1 = 1 - *STB =1, EN=0 (PWR On Standby)
Byte 1 = 3 - *STB =1, EN=1 (Normal Mode)

Please see the TJA1054 data sheet for an in-depth explanation of these modes. In neoVI blue *STB is fixed to 1.

* = Active Low

Table 2 - Device Response Messages (neoVI sends to PC)

Name ID (hex) Length 
Data Bytes Description
Device IO Report 100 8 Byte 1-8 The device IO report is described in a separate topic.
Start Data Acquisition Report 300 0 none Timestamp indicate neoVI time when the clock was started
Set SWCAN Mode Complete 602 0 none Indicates that the "Set SWCAN mode" has been completed
Set LSFTCAN Mode Complete 702 0 none Indicates that the "Set LSFT mode" has been completed


 neoVI   Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2020 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Tuesday, January 08, 2013