WN Website: Add or Edit Account

The Manage -> Accounts -> Accounts table lets an administrator add, view, or edit the account properties described in Table 1 and shown in Figure 1.

Don't forget to click Save when editing an account already in the system.

Table 1: Wireless NeoVI Website Account Properties

Account Property Description
First Name Account holder's first name.
Last Name Account holder's last name.
E-Mail Account holder's full email address.
 (case sensitive)
This field is visible only when adding a NEW account.

This is the initial password that the account holder will need to Log In.  The website will force the account holder to change this password after their first log in.

To improve security, a valid password must meet many criteria as outlined in the Notes area below.
Confirm Password This field is visible only when adding a NEW account.

Enter the Password again to confirm the original entry.
Role The account role.  Super administrators control all accounts.  Administrators control User level accounts.
Permission The permission profile for the account.
Security Question The question used to reset the account password.
Security Answer
 (NOT case sensitive)
The answer to the Security Question required to reset a password.  Administrators can edit this answer if somebody is trying to reset their password, but is having trouble answering their Security Question.

Note: Although the Security Answer here is NOT case sensitive, the account password on the Log In screen IS case sensitive.
Active This checkbox lets an administrator quickly enable/disable an account without needing to add/delete it.
Account Groups Account Groups can be assigned or removed from the account.

The left side is a list of choices and the right side shows which choices have been made.  Use the >> and << buttons in the middle to make and remove selections.

Figure 1: Edit an account to change things like the email address or security question/answer.

neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Saturday, May 11, 2013