Data Analysis: Plotter Options

The Plotter Options dialog (Figure 1) configures most aspects of the plotter area, the default directories, and ASCII data file parameters.

Plotter Options can be opened using the Data Analysis main menu Configurations -> Options selection. It can also be opened using the right mouse menu "Options" selection while over the Tool Dialog, plotter, or Channel Value Pane areas.

Figure 1: The Data Analysis Plotter Options dialog.

Table 1 gives descriptions of what each Plotter Options tab is for.

Table 1: Plotter Options Tabs

Plotter Options Tab Description
Trace Settings for channel colors, line patterns, line widths, and staircase vs straight line for connecting data points.
Graph Settings for graph color, axis scaling, tick mark locations, and grid lines.
Channel List On/off toggle for each channel measurement column in the Tool Dialog.
Graph Legend On/off toggle for each channel measurement column in the Channel Value Pane.
Arrow Controls the color and style of arrow labels made using the "Annotation" main menu or equivalent Main Toolbar buttons.
Fonts Font color, style, and size settings for the y-axis labels and the text labels made using the "Annotation" main menu or equivalent Main Toolbar buttons.
Directories Default directory locations for files that can be saved and loaded by the Data Analysis tool.
ASCII File Setup Customize expected data file extensions. Also change data file structures for channel labels, x-axis values, and data values.
Misc Most miscellaneous selections are clearly described. ("Convert VSpy data from selected dbase files" remains TBD.)

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