General Purpose IO

Applies to


ValueCAN 3 one general purpose 3.3 VDC IO pin. This IO pin is labeled "Trigger Pin" on the top label.  This pin can be used for controlling or monitoring external devices.

Basic Setup

The Trigger Pin is setup in the neoVI 3G Explorer under MISC IO/Trigger.  Figure 1 shows the input output configuration (figure 1 : bubble 4).  The Misc Pin can be set as digital input or output.  If output is selected, the power up state can be chosen to be on or off.

The outputs are capable of LED drive through a current limiting resistor. The maximum current of all outputs should not exceed 5 mA. For protection, each IO pin has a series 47 ohm resistor and a transient protection device. 

General IO Reporting

You can setup the general IO to be automatically reported to the host in neoVI 3G Explorer (figure 2).  You can setup the general IO to be reported at an interval or based on digital inputs changing (figure 1 : bubble 1). The report will be sent to the host as a neoVI Device Virtual Network message.

When reporting based on interval is selected you can select the interval from the drop down box shown in bubble 2 in figure 1. You can select an interval from 1 to 125 ms. 

If you selected a report based on digital change, you can select both an interval the inputs are tested (figure 1 : bubble 2) and which digital inputs to test (figure 1 : bubble 3). You can select as many as are listed.

Figure 1 - ValueCAN MISC pin can be setup as digital outputs or digital inputs



 neoVI   Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2014 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Thursday, July 09, 2009