WN Website: Manage Vehicles |
Wireless NeoVI website administrators can use the main menu Manage -> Vehicles to open a table similar to Figure 1.
This table contains links to add a new vehicle or to edit vehicles, loggers, and fleets already in the system.
A vehicle can have only one device (logger) assigned to it at any given time.
A vehicle can be assigned to a fleet that contains multiple vehicles.
Features for Manage Vehicles
Search field & button - filters all tables to help locate specific vehicles.
New Vehicle button - adds another vehicle to the table.
Red X button () - asks to delete the vehicle in that row.
Name - click the vehicle's Name to edit the vehicle in that row.
Device - click the vehicle's Device number to edit the device (logger) installed on that vehicle.
Fleet - click the vehicle's Fleet name to edit the fleet the vehicle is in.
Table Page Tools - below the table are tools to manage many vehicles across multiple tables.
Figure 1: Manage Vehicles shows a table with links to edit any vehicle on the Wireless NeoVI website.
neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. |
Last Update:
Saturday, May 11, 2013