Using the "Send CoreMini" Command
Click Browse to select which VS3ZIP script file to send then verify the following settings:
- "Get queued logger data before sending new script to it" - forces the logger to send any pending logged data* to the website before it uses the new script.
- "Send new script to logger immediately" - forces the logger to immediately use the new script and cancel all pending logged data* uploads to the website.
- "By Vehicle" & "By Fleet" tabs - use these tabs to select which vehicle or fleet of vehicles will get the new script.
The left side is a list of choices and the right side shows which choices have been made.
Use the >>> and <<< buttons in the middle to make and remove selections.
After the settings above are verified, click Upload Script to send the script from the website to all selected vehicles and fleets.
Every uploaded script is also archived for future use.
* The link to Show queued logger data for selected vehicle(s) opens a dialog similar to Figure 2.
This dialog shows if selected vehicle loggers still have data logs waiting to send to the website.
These pending uploads will be canceled if the "Send new script to logger immediately" option is used.
Figure 2: An example of a logger with a data log file waiting to be sent to the website.
neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. |
Last Update:
Sunday, May 12, 2013