WN Website: CoreMini Commands

In View -> Vehicles, clicking on a vehicle takes you to its Dashboard.  Below the Dashboard are CoreMini related logger commands (Figure 1) for working with VS3ZIP scripts in the logger.

A VS3ZIP script tells the logger how to operate on its own.  A PC running Vehicle Spy is needed to make a VS3ZIP script.

Use the links in Table 1 to see more details for each of the CoreMini commands.

Figure 1: These CoreMini commands can be found below the vehicle Dashboard area.

Table 1: CoreMini Commands

CoreMini Command Description
Send CoreMini Sends a VS3ZIP script file from your PC to the logger and starts it.
(This overwrites any current script in the logger.)
CoreMini Archive An archive of VS3ZIP script files previously sent to the logger.
Remote Wake Up Sends a wake up from the website to the logger.

(The logger's SIM card provider must have text messaging enabled for this feature to work.)
Start Starts the script currently in the logger.
Stop Stops the script running in the logger.
Clear Clears the script from the logger.

neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Sunday, April 28, 2013