Vehicle Spy VehicleScape DAQ |
One of the steps to run neoVI PLASMA in wireless mode is to generate a VS3ZIP script file for it.
The script file tells neoVI PLASMA how to operate on its own while connected to a vehicle.
How to Make a VS3ZIP Script for neoVI PLASMA
- Open Vehicle Spy on a PC. (neoVI PLASMA connection is not needed)
- Open VehicleScape DAQ. (Figure 1)
- Setup a platform with databases.
- Select Channels of messages and signals to log.
- Configure Standalone Logging options.
- Generate the VS3ZIP script on your PC.
The Wireless NeoVI website can then send the VS3ZIP script from your PC to neoVI PLASMA.
Figure 1: Use Vehicle Spy VehicleScape DAQ on a PC to make a VS3ZIP script for neoVI PLASMA.
neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. |
Last Update:
Friday, May 3, 2013