Vehicle Spy VehicleScape DAQ

One of the steps to run neoVI PLASMA in wireless mode is to generate a VS3ZIP script file for it.  The script file tells neoVI PLASMA how to operate on its own while connected to a vehicle.

How to Make a VS3ZIP Script for neoVI PLASMA

  1. Open Vehicle Spy on a PC. (neoVI PLASMA connection is not needed)
  2. Open VehicleScape DAQ. (Figure 1)
  3. Setup a platform with databases.
  4. Select Channels of messages and signals to log.
  5. Configure Standalone Logging options.
  6. Generate the VS3ZIP script on your PC.
The Wireless NeoVI website can then send the VS3ZIP script from your PC to neoVI PLASMA.

Figure 1: Use Vehicle Spy VehicleScape DAQ on a PC to make a VS3ZIP script for neoVI PLASMA.

neoVI PLASMA Documentation - (C) Copyright 2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.

Last Update: Friday, May 3, 2013