Diagnostics over Internet Protocol (DoIP) requires diagnostic communications to use IP, TCP, and
UDP protocols on an ethernet network. A vehicle with DoIP typically has one "edge node"
ECU to transfer all diagnostic messages between a test tool on ethernet and other ECUs on other
networks like CAN, LIN, FlexRay, etc. Requirements for DoIP are defined in ISO 13400.
Use Vehicle Spy's Diagnostics over IP (DoIP) to discover and connect to an edge
node ECU, which then allows Diagnostics to be sent to
other ECUs on the vehicle. The DoIP connection can be setup to run manually or automatically
after each time Vehicle Spy goes online with hardware. DoIP is opened from the
Spy Networks menu.
Follow these steps to make a Vehicle Spy DoIP connection to a vehicle:
A physical activation line between the ICS hardware and edge node ECU must be active for DoIP
to work. If Assert activation line at start
(Figure 1:) is enabled then Vehicle Spy will activate
the DoIP line each time it goes online with hardware. The line can also be controlled directly by
clicking on the DoIP activation line button.
My logical address (hex) (Figure 1:)
identifies Vehicle Spy as a test tool to the vehicle. Test tools have three valid address ranges
to choose from and Vehicle Spy uses a default value of 0E80.
Click Refresh vehicles (Figure 1:) to send
one vehicle identification request on the ethernet network that will discover edge node ECUs. If
Periodically discover vehicles is enabled then the requests are sent by Vehicle
Spy at a 5 s periodic rate. Valid responses from edge node ECUs are indicated in the status table
located in the lower area of DoIP.
To connect to a vehicle, click on it in the DoIP status table then click Connect to selected
vehicle (Figure 1:).To disconnect, use
Disconnect from selected vehicle. A right click menu also supports vehicle connect
and disconnect.
Enable auto connect (Figure 1:) means Vehicle
Spy will try to connect using DoIP each time it goes online with hardware, which removes the need to
click the DoIP connect to vehicle button each time.
NOTE: This feature does NOT automatically discover vehicles which is done by setting Periodically
discover vehicles = on.
The automatic connection can be setup to connect to:
Enable reconnect on error will make Vehicle Spy retry the DoIP connection if an error
occurs during the linking process.
Routing type supports the following authentication/confirmation methods for the DoIP
linking process:
Valid responses from edge node ECUs are indicated in the status table located in the lower area of DoIP
(Figure 1:).
Table Column | Description |
IP Address | IP address of the edge node ECU. |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle. |
Logical Address | Logical address of the edge node ECU. |
Entity Identification | MAC address of the edge node ECU. |
Group Identification | An identifier used in place of the VIN if the VIN is not programmed yet. |
Action Required? | If yes, then central security is required. |
VIN/GID synced? | If yes, then the edge node ECU is reporting all ECUs it sees are synchronized to the same VIN or Group ID. |
Status | Vehicle Spy's current status of the DoIP connection with the vehicle. |