Graphical Panels: Panel Properties

Just as tools have properties that control their appearance and behavior, so do panels themselves. These are accessed through the same side panel as tool properties, and are similar in layout and function.

To access panel properties, ensure that the panel is unlocked and the right side panel isn't hidden. Then simply click any blank area in the panel (where no tools are located). You will see four tabs: the Font Tab, Tools Tab and Grid Tab are identical to those shown under tool properties. The Properties Tab for a panel is shown in Figure 1, and its elements described in Table 1.

Figure 1: Panel properties tab.

Table 1: Panel Properties

Property Description
Caption The name of the panel. This name is shown in the list of panel tabs, and right-clicking a tab and selecting Rename will bring you to this property to edit.
BackColor Specifies the background color of the panel.
RemoteClient Allows you to select a PC to make a connection for remote graphical panels.
RemotePanel The name of the remote panel to which a connection should be made.
UpdateRate The rate at which the remote panel should be updated.

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