4. A Tour of neoVI RED 2 Hardware

Let’s now take a short tour of the neoVI RED 2’s hardware. We’ll examine the device from all sides, showing its external components and explaining what each does. This will help you become more familiar with the unit so you can more easily set up, configure and use it.

Like many Intrepid products, the neoVI RED 2 is designed so that all of its connectors are located on its sides, making the device easier to use in cramped quarters. We’ll refer to these as the left side and right side of the unit, as oriented when facing the device with its top label text readable.


The neoVI RED 2 is a complex device that does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Do not attempt to open the case of the neoVI RED 2 unless specifically instructed to do so by an Intrepid Control Systems technician, or you risk possible injury or damage to the unit.

4.1. Case and Overall Design

The neoVI RED 2 is enclosed in a sturdy black-anodized metal case. The device has been designed and tested for in-vehicle use, and is operational in a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. An overall view of the neoVI RED 2 can be seen in Figure 3.

Connectors and ports are often a point of failure with hardware devices. To ensure that the neoVI RED 2 provides you with years of reliable service, Intrepid has ruggedized the physical interfaces on the device by using reinforced metal connectors.

To further protect the device against bumps and drops, it has red-colored rubber bumpers on both ends. These bumpers are removable, but there is no need to do this under normal circumstances, and we recommend that you leave them in place.


Figure 3: Overview of the neoVI RED 2.

The bottom of the neoVI RED 2 contains useful reference information, including the device serial number, pinouts of its DB-26 and Antenna information (Figure 4). Pinouts for all RED 2 connectors and cables can be found in Chapter 8.


Figure 4: neoVI RED 2 Bottom View.

4.2. Left Side Interfaces and Connectors

The left side of the neoVI RED 2 contains two components: the GPS/WiFi Connector and HD-26 connector (Figure 5).


Figure 5: neoVI RED 2 Left Side View.

4.2.1. GPS/WiFi Connector

WIFI Antenna with 4-position MateAX connector (Red 2/Fire 3) allows you to connect RAD-4G data modem to add wireless 4G support to your compatible neoVI products.


GPS/WiFi Connector

4.2.2. HD-26 Network Interface Connectors

This male, high-density, 26-pin D-subminiature connector is the primary means by which the neoVI RED 2 interfaces with vehicle networks. One of two network interface cables is connected to this port, enabling CAN, LIN and Ethernet messages to be passed between the network and the RED 2. This connector also provides primary power to the device.

4.3. Right Side Interfaces and Connectors

This side of the neoVI RED 2 contains most of its connectors, ports and slots (Figure 6).


Figure 6: neoVI RED 2 Right Side View.

4.3.1. USB Host Port

The USB “A” connector allows the RED 2 to act as a USB host, so other devices can plug into it. Please see Section 7.2 for more details.

4.3.2. Barrel Jack

The device can be powered with this barrel jack using the DC supply provided with your purchase. If an alternate DC supply is used, it must be within the range of 5V-48V with a current capacity of 1 Amp, or the device may malfunction or be permanently damaged.

4.3.3. 1000BASE-T / RJ-45 Port: An industry-standard conventional Ethernet device.

Link LED (Green): Indicates that a valid link has been established between your device and another 10/100/1000 Ethernet device.

Activity LED (Orange): Flashes when traffic passes in either direction over the attached Ethernet cable.

In normal operation you should see the Link LED always on, and the Activity LED flashing at a variable rate, with faster flashing meaning that more data is being transferred.

4.3.4. Full Size SD Slot and Cover

This slot holds the two full size cards that store data logged or captured by the neoVI RED 2. It is protected by a metal cover that prevents accidental ejection of the card and protects the slot from dirt and debris.

You can download the contents of the installed SD card over Ethernet, or for larger data sets, remove the card and use the provided external card reader.

4.4. Membrane LED Display and Keypad

The membrane contains 10 LEDs that provide immediate visual feedback about the status of the device, and two keypad buttons that can be used to toggle the indicator mode and for other functions.


Figure 7: neoVI RED 2 Membrane LED Display and Keypad

All of the LEDs and buttons are also scriptable: the buttons can be used for user input, and the LEDs can be set to provide information from a CoreMini program running in the RED 2.

4.4.1. Keypad Buttons and LEDs

There are three keypad buttons on the neoVI RED 2’s top membrane: one with a core mini icon icon located near the top left, one with a word “Trg” stands for trigger icon located near the bottom left, and one with red and white dot located near bottom right. Pressing the red and white dot button toggles the meaning of the 8 RGB LEDs on the membrane as follows:

  • Red Button: When pressed, activates the “red set” of LED meanings: each RGB LED shows the status of the network whose name appears in a red label below it.
  • White Button: When pressed, activates the “white set” of LED meanings: each RGB LED shows information about a network or RED 2 function based on the white icon or label above it.

The buttons themselves also contain red and green LEDs, which flash in the same pattern as the red and green LEDs. The illuminated LEDs show which set of indicator meanings is active, and may also be more convenient for monitoring general device status than the left-side LEDs.

Flash Pattern Description
Green LED flashing rapidly; red LED off RED 2 is powered on but offline.
Green and red LEDs flashing rapidly in alternating sequence Device is powered and online with a PC running Vehicle Spy or other software.
Red LED flashing rapidly; green LED off RED 2 is running a CoreMini script.
Red LED flashing at constant rate; green LED flashing intermittently VehicleScape Standalone Logging is active; the flash rate of the green LED reflects the rate at which data is being logged.
Green LED flashes three times slowly, red LED flashes once, then cycle repeats RED 2 is in bootloader mode. This normally occurs when new firmware is being flashed to the device. See Section 5.2 for more details.

4.4.2. Network/Logger Status RGB LEDs

The membrane has 8 RGB (full color) LEDs arranged in two rows of five. The meaning of each LED is determined by whether the upper left blue button or the lower right white button has been pressed. This means that the 8 LEDs can indicate a total of 16 different status conditions. To determine the current meaning of each LED, first identify which button (blue or white) has its LEDs flashing. Then, refer to the label of the corresponding color to understand the status being indicated (as described below).

4.4.3. Interpretation of RGB LED Colors

These are “RGB” LEDs because they contain separate red, green and blue elements. For networks, each indicates a different aspect of the device’s overall status:

  • Green: Device is transmitting messages on this channel.
  • Blue: Device is receiving messages on this channel.
  • Red: Device is detecting errors on this channel.

It is possible for more than one LED component to be lit, producing the following results:

  • Green+Blue (Cyan): Device is transmitting and receiving on this channel.
  • Green+Red (Yellow): Device is transmitting and detecting errors on this channel.
  • Blue+Red (Magenta): Device is receiving and detecting errors on this channel.
  • Green+Blue+Red (White): Device is transmitting, receiving and detecting errors on this channel.

4.4.4. General Status LED

  • Blink Orange : Device is Powered
  • Blink White : Host Commmunication Activity
  • Blink Blue/Green : Device is Online
  • Blink Magenta: Script Running

4.4.5. Script Status LED

Blink Red: Device is running a script

4.4.6. SD Card Status (x2)

Blinks Green for any SD Card erase/write access.

Blinks Blue for any SD Card read access.

4.4.7. Upload Status LEDs

Blink white if a connected Wireless neoVI client indicates that there are uploads pending.

4.4.8. GPS Status LEDs

Blinks blue when receiving GPS sentences, solid green if there is a valid GPS lock.

4.4.9. Trigger Status LEDs

Blink white if there are any collections currently collecting post-trigger data

4.4.10. WiFi Status LEDs

Indicates the state of the Linux WPA supplicant:







Green - User Control / Unused

4.4.11. Cellular Status LEDs

Indicates the cellular connectivity status. As of, always solid red.

Figure 8 shows a photograph of the top membrane of a RED 2 in active use, with the blue set of status indicators active, meaning that transmissions are occurring on fie channels and errors on one.

As a further cue to network activity, the intensity of these LEDs is proportional to the amount of traffic on the corresponding network. Slower traffic on a network will cause the network’s LED to flash more dimly, while heavy traffic will cause the LED to be brighter. Note that the blink rate remains the same regardless of traffic level.


Figure 8: neoVI RED 2 Membrane LED Display and Keypad Showing Active LEDs. In this image, the blue set of LED meanings is active, as indicated by the green LED being lit within the blue computer icon in the top left corner (this LED alternates between green and red when the device is online). The other LEDs thus mean that the neoVI RED 2 is active and transmitting on the DW CAN1, DW CAN2, DW CAN3, DW CAN4 and DW CAN5 channels (in use these all flash a few times per second.) Note that the LED for DW CAN4 is actually yellowish; it is flashing both a bright green and a dim red to indicate errors while transmitting on the DW CAN4 channel**

4.4.12. “RED Set” LED Status Indicators

Table 2 lists the blue labels on the RED 2 membrane interface, and describes the meaning of the LED associated with each when the blue set is selected (top left keypad button flashing). The LEDs are listed from top to bottom, left to right, as seen looking at the membrane in its usual orientation.

Label Description
DW CAN 01 Transmit / receive / error status of DW CAN channel 1
DW CAN 02 Transmit / receive / error status of DW CAN channel 2
DW CAN 03 Transmit / receive / error status of DW CAN channel 3
DW CAN 04 Transmit / receive / error status of DW CAN channel 4
DW CAN 05 Transmit / receive / error status of DW CAN channel 5
DW CAN 06/07/08 Transmit / receive / error status of DW CAN channel 6, 7, 8
TRG Trigger Membrane Button to control trigger data logger depending on CAN mode selected (see Section 5.5)
DoIP Transmit / receive / error status of Ethernet channel depending on CAN mode selected (see Section 5.5)
LINS Status of all LIN channels depending on CAN mode selected (see Section 5.5)

4.4.13. “White Set” LED Status Indicators

Table 3 lists the white labels/icons on the RED 2 membrane interface, and describes the meaning of the LEDs for each when the white set is selected (bottom right keypad button flashing). Again the LEDs are listed from top to bottom, left to right.

Label/Icon Description
reload CoreMini script active
dsk1 Disk 1 (solid state drive) activity
dsk2 Disk 2 (solid state drive) activity
data Data being uploaded
gps GPS lock (using neoVI MIC2, available later in 2016)
trg Logging a triggered collection after the trigger condition has activated
wifi WiFi Connection activity
cell-nw Cellular Connaction activity

4.5. Standard Cables and Cable Options

As mentioned in Section 2.2, the RED 2 ships with several standard cables, as well as nine optional OBD cables that were selected when the device was ordered. We’ll now illustrate these cables and describe each one’s use. Connector pinouts and cable signal tables for this hardware can be found in Chapter 8 (except for the USB cable, which is industry standard).

4.5.1. Ethernet Cable

This is a standard ethernet cable used to connect PCs (Figure 9). The detachable cable makes the RED 2 easier to transport than would be the case if it were built in, and also allows the cable to be easily replaced if it is ever damaged.


Figure 9: Ethernet Cable.

4.5.2. FIRE 2 Ethernet Cable Adapter

This special cable “breaks out” the HD-26 connector on the left side of the neoVI RED 2 to three connectors that are used to communicate with vehicle networks. The cable is illustrated in Figure 10, while the network interface connectors are described further below.


Figure 10: Fire 2 Ethernet Cable Adapter. This cable allows the RED 2 to connect to vehicle networks and receive its primary power input.

4.5.3. DB-25 Connector

This is the main vehicle network interface connector, carrying CAN, LIN and Ethernet messages, as well as providing power to the RED 2 from the network (Figure 11). As we’ll see later in the manual, it is also used to connect an additional cable for OBD applications.


Figure 11: DB-25 Connector. This connector carries main network traffic and primary DC power to the RED 2.

4.5.4. DB-9 Connector

This connector carries 4 LIN channels for LIN applications (Figure 12).


Figure 12: DB-9 Connector. This industry-standard connector carries LIN traffic

4.5.5. RJ-45 Connector

This female RJ-45 socket is used to attach a standard Ethernet cable for Automotive Ethernet and DoIP applications (Figure 13).


Figure 13: RJ-45 Socket.

4.5.6. USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

The RED 2 comes with a Gigabit Ethernet Adapter incase your computer doesn’t have a Ethernet connection


Figure 14: USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

4.5.7. OBD Cables

The RED 2 comes with your choice of one of the nine OBD cables, which are used to interface the device to a vehicle or bench OBD port. Four of these cables attach to the DB-25 connector on the RED 2 Ethernet Cable Adapter (Figure 11), while the fifth actually takes the place of that cable, connecting directly to the RED 2.

See Section 4.3 for hookup diagrams that show how to connect all of these cables to the RED 2 and your network or bench.

4.5.8. neoVI-OBD-1 Cable

This cable, which has a red OBD-II connector, is used primarily for General Motors vehicles. It can be seen in Figure 15.


Figure 15: neoVI-OBD-1 Cable.

4.5.9. neoVI-OBD-MULTI Cable

This cable has a standard black OBD-II connector and is suitable for use with the vehicles of most OEMs. It is pictured in Figure 16.


Figure 16: neoVI-OBD-MULTI Cable

4.5.10. neoVI-OBD-MULTI Right Angle Cable

This is the same as the neoVI-OBD-MULTI cable but terminates with a right-angled OBD II connector for vehicles where this is required. A picture of the cable is shown in Figure 17.


Figure 17: neoVI-OBD-MULTI Right Angle Cable.

4.5.11. neoVI FIRE/RED J1939 Cable

This cable terminates in a round 9-pin Deutsch connector for use in commercial vehicles (Figure 18).


Figure 18: neoVI FIRE/RED J1939 Cable.

4.5.12. neoVI FIRE 2 OBD Cable with DoIP Support

This special cable attaches to the RED 2’s HD-26 connector in place of the regular RED 2 Ethernet Cable Adapter. It contains DB-25, DB-9 and OBD-II connectors wired for DoIP use, and is illustrated in Figure 19


Figure 19: neoVI FIRE/RED J1939 Cable.