8. Advanced Features

In this chapter we provide additional information on some of the neoVI RED 2’s new and advanced features.

Note that some of these features are not yet currently implemented in the neoVI RED 2, but their capabilities will be provided in future firmware upgrades, at which time this manual will be updated to explain their use.

8.1. neoVI API

The neoVI RED 2 comes with support for a full API that allows you to control the device from other software packages or custom-written software. For instructions on using the API, please consult its documentation on the Intrepid website at: https://docs.intrepidcs.com/neovi-api

8.2. USB Host

The neoVI RED 2 comes with a USB host port that allows other devices to be plugged into it (see Figure 6 in Section 3.3). Due to the difficulties associated with driver development, this port is intended for specific devices rather than general purpose use. It is especially designed to work with devices such as the Intrepid neoVI MIC microphone/trigger pendant, or the RAD-Moon (as seen in Section 6.3)

8.3. Configuring AWS IoT Core Setup

With the integration of AWS IoT FleetWise into our neoVI Red 2 data logger support, our customers will be able to utilize the same hardware for in-vehicle data logging while taking advantage of the IoT capabilities offered by FleetWise. Key advantage of AWS IoT FleetWise is its ability to integrate with Intrepid Data Loggers, providing automakers with the power of wireless and standalone logging capabilities to analyze data in real-time and make informed decisions about their fleets.


8.3.1. Configure your device to connect to AWS

Create resources in AWS IoT

Refer to the online AWS documentation at Create AWS IoT Resources. Follow the steps outlined in these sections to provision resources for your device:

Pay special attention to the Notes.

For more information, refer to the AWS online documentation on Troubleshooting AWS IoT.

8.3.2. Set up your development environment

Required Software:

Vehicle Spy Enterprise

Vehicle Spy Enterprise is a single tool for diagnostics, node/ECU simulation, data acquisition, automated testing, and in-vehicle communication networks bus monitoring.

For introduction, tutorials, and documentations on Vehicle Spy Enterprise, please click here.

Please refer to this section of the documentation on how to setup your neoVI RED 2 https://cdn.intrepidcs.net/guides/neoVI-RED2/Software_Setup.html

8.3.3. Setup your AWS account and permissions

If you do not have an existing AWS account and user, refer to the online AWS documentation at Set up your AWS Account. To get started, follow the steps outlined in the sections below:

Pay special attention to the Notes.

8.3.4. Set up device hardware

  1. To set up your device to work with AWS Fleetwise, first visit - and type in the username and password provided by Intrepid Control Systems. Contact Intrepid Control Systems for login information at https://intrepidcs.com/support
  1. Landing page should be FleetWise configurations. To navigate there, click the Applications menu. Choose the Configurations tab.
  1. To use AWS CLI with aws iot create-keys-and-certificate , follow these steps:

    • Install the AWS CLI on your local machine by following the instructions in the AWS documentation.
    • Open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command to create a certificate, private key, and public key:
    • aws iot create-keys-and-certificate --region <REGION (us-east-1)> --set-as-active --certificate-pem-outfile "certificate.pem" --private-key-outfile "private-key.key"
    • Note that you will need to replace <REGION (us-east-1)> with the region in which your AWS IoT service is located, and also provide the <ENDPOINT URL> of your AWS IoT endpoint. To find the endpoint, navigate to the AWS IoT console and choose Settings in the navigation pane. The endpoint can be found under Device Data endpoint. It should look similar to this: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-ats.iot.xxxxxxxxx.amazonaws.com
    • Once the command has finished executing, you should see two files in your current directory: certificate.pem and private-key.key. These files contain the certificate and private key that you can use to authenticate with AWS IoT.
    • Now that you have the certificate and private key, you can use them to authenticate your device or application with AWS IoT.
    • Upload Your Certificate and/or Private Key to the website. :
    • A green check ✔ means it exists
    • A red X means it does not exist
  2. Add or Update Permissions:


  1. To add/update the Certificate or Private Key, click either ‘Update Certificate’ or ‘Update Private Key’
  2. Either upload the file or copy/paste the text.
  3. Click ‘Save’
  1. Update Client ID and Endpoint ID: Client ID and Endpoint ID values are unique to each device and are used to establish a secure connection between the device and AWS FleetWise. It is important to keep these values confidential and secure to prevent unauthorized access to your devices and data.

    • Type in the Client ID and/or Endpoint ID
    • Click ‘Save and Apply’
    • To find Client ID and/or Endpoint ID, you need to log in to your AWS account and navigate to the AWS FleetWise console.
    • In the left navigation menu, click on “Fleets”.
    • Select the fleet for which you want to find the Update Client ID and Endpoint ID.
    • Click on the “Devices” tab to see the list of devices in the fleet.
    • Find the device for which you want to find the Update Client ID and Endpoint ID and click on its name to go to its details page.
    • On the device details page, scroll down to the “Connection Details” section.
    • In the “Connection Details” section, you will find the Client ID and Endpoint ID values.
    • You can copy and use these values as needed in your AWS FleetWise application.
  1. Troubleshooting: Select Log View tab
    • Log will be filtered to show FleetWise related messages

End-user can confirm that a device is able to communicate with AWS IoT Core. Here are a few methods:

  • Flashing Blue/Green LEDs : If your intrepid device is flashing blue/green LEDs then the Intrepid device is able to communicate with AWS IoT Core.
  • Fleetwise Log screen: You can see your intrepid device is publishing data, the end-user will be able to see it in real-time in the console. This method can be useful for initial testing and troubleshooting.
  • AWS IoT Console: The end-user can log in to the AWS IoT console, navigate to the “Test” section, choose the MQTT Test client, and subscribe to the MQTT topic that the device is publishing to. If the device is publishing data, the end-user will be able to see it in real-time in the console. This method can be useful for initial testing and troubleshooting.

There are several methods that an end-user can use to confirm that a device is able to communicate with AWS IoT Core. The best method will depend on the specific use case and the available resources.

For more information, refer to the AWS online documentation on Troubleshooting AWS IoT.